abandon hope ye who enter here

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leave me the fuck alone

i'm the one clinging to you for attention, didn't you notice?

sorry for my triple sided personality

seems like i only lead people on

i'm tired of this

the blade is my friend and i love the blood and scabs and sometimes the scars

but some are too thick and have no feeling when i touch them 

so fuck you for making me this way

none of us signed up for this shit

so either give me a chance or just kill me

cuz this isn't what was in the fine print

i wish i could be numb and so stoned that nothing hurt

the shots didn't burn as much as i thought they would

i can hold my liquor better than you, asshole

all the european blood holding up to the stereotypes of being heavyweight drinkers

i thank you for giving me that gift and also the huge problem of being easily addicted to substances

i will use it well and make nothing of my life

even though she sacrificed hers for me to have a better one

this is my way of thanks, i'm sorry to say

i hate this person that i am

yet i love who i've become

the duality of man, as they said in full metal jacket

this is the corpse of a conflicted kid

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