You Get Really Drunk ~ Chapter 19

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Hey everyone! So, the last question was if you could be anyone in the Gorillaz, who would it be? I would say probably 2-D, because I could have a really cool singing voice. And maybe stand up to Murdoc for once! It's about time that pickle man get a taste of his own medicine. So the next question is how would you feel about a Gorillaz show? I hope you like the preference and happy reading!


He's also probably really drunk, so you guys epically ( not ) roast each other and then do the do. Everyone else just leaves you two alone for your "fun time." It makes everyone else really uncomfortable, but hey, what can they do?


He gets you tylenol and water both before you go to sleep/pass out and when yu wake up. He's running around like Sonic trying to find the pills creaming "WHE'S THE TYLEHNOL?!" It ends up just giving everyone a big headache and a beating from Murdoc. Whoops...


He's pretty caring. As soon as you're done drinking, according to him, he makes you go to bed, then wakes up before you and gets you pills and water. You end up feeling way better knowing he's there for you when you're vulnerable.


She's also probably drunk, so when Russel or 2-D shows up for the two of you, you guys just pass out cuddled together in the back of whoever's car. If it's Russel, he'll just leave you two. 2-D, however, tries to drag you guys one at a time to bed. He usually fails halfway through the living room with the first drunkard, and only out of the garage with the second.

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