The Party

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Marco's POV

      "COME ON MARCO THE PARTY IS ABOUT TO START!" Star yelled. I ignored her trying to find the right outfit. When Star had previous parties, Jackie was always hanging by my arm which always excited me, but as the years went on it started to get annoying. I guess we fell out of love. is weird. It's like handing someone a gun telling them to shoot you in the heart, trusting them to not. It kinda took a few days but, I'm sad, sad that the girl I had a crush on for so many years was now gone. Why did feelings have to hit me today? I could feel myself boil up inside. It just made me so angry..yet feel like nothing; like there was something missing. Is this what heart break felt like?

Usually I cared about what I wore to these type of things, but I didn't today. I wore a red tank top with jeans and black converse.

I gave myself a quick smile, reassuring myself I was going to be ok tonight. Maybe I could ditch the party and go running, get my mind off of things. I open the door already hearing the loud music. The bass of it vibrating towards my feet. Ugh this is going to be annoying, maybe I'll just stay in my room and study, then I could make sure no would hook up in my room.

But then I saw her face. That face with the bright smile that could light up the darkest room. That face that could make you forget about all the things that worry you in life, it just goes away. That face, belongs to Star. Her cheeks turn to a light shade of pink when she saw me, her hair was in a braid and she wore a light pink dress that matched her cheeks. She smiled at me, giving me that feeling of melting away. My heart thudding in my chest feeling butterflies flap their wings in the pit of my stomach. Star.

      "Looking good Marco!" She said shooting purposely bad winks towards me. I laughed at her attempt.

"Thanks Star," I smiled weakly, her face dropped a bit.

      "Woah Marco are you ok, do you want me to like cancel the party?" Her voiced written with concerned. She seemed so..worried. Why was she worried about me? She shouldn't worry about me, there's no need for that.

     "Yeah I'm fine," I shrugged it off walking to the kitchen, hearing the light footsteps following me. I grabbed the bag of nachos and a big bowl. The room was filled with a thick silence, the only noise was the chips falling out of the bag making clicking noises against the glass bowl. The doorbell suddenly rang, echoing throughout the quiet house. I turned to see Star smiling at me, giving me a 'you ok' look. I nodded in response.

      "Hey guys! Come in please!" She exclaimed gesturing her arms towards the couches. It was two students who I didn't recognize. I placed the nachos on the counter, positioning the solo cups next to the chips. The more students that came, the more that brought in 6packs of beers.

     The red solo cups patterned to the floor as time went on. It wouldn't hurt to have 1, I mean, the party's barely starting right? I finished it quickly, leaving a warm feeling in my chest as I poured another one. I watched Star dance with her friends, she seemed so happy, not a care the world. What I would do to be in that mood. The door opened catching my attention. Jackie.

     She was holding some dudes hand I didn't recognize. She moved on fast, ouch. I felt disappointed, how could she do that? Was I nothing to her? Was I just a guy to her? Why do I care so much? So what if she moved on, big deal. Great, now I'm going to look like the loser that has nobody to dance with. Not that I wanted dance anyways.

I poured myself a third cup heading upstairs. I creaked open to see Stars room empty, along with my parents and mine. It's too early for hooks ups anyways. I shut my door behind me. Looking around my room. I sighed sitting on the bed. I thought I was going to dance with Star, or have a girl flirt with me or something. But everyone had a dancing buddy and I didn't. I thought of Be More Chill. Luckily this is my house so I don't have to be a Marco In The Bathroom. I chuckled weakly at my own bad joke that didn't even make sense.

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