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We waited in front of the principal office, Harry beside me quieter than usual.

"You could come in, she's waiting for you," someone- the principal's assistant I believe, said.

He raised his eyebrows, "She wants both of us at the same time?"

She nodded.

He looked at me, "I guess now we are called 'partners in crime' like they say." he winked. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the office. He followed behind shortly.

The woman I met on my first day, who also is coincidentally called a principal, was sitting behind her desk, spinning her chair round and round.

Styles was now standing by me, staring at her, "That's normal. You will get used to this, she does stuff way worse," he whispered.

She suddenly stopped spinning herself on the chair and looked at us, straightening herself, "Thank you for coming."

"Black," she paused and gave me a long stare, "I didn't really picture you as the student who would come visit my office due to several complaints but okay." her demeanor changed into a way serious now.

"Anyway," she went on, "I bet both of you know the reason why you are here." she waved her hands around her office. "I've got both of you in here because you've got the same problems: No attendance, low marks in subjects, plus not handing in assignments." she got off her chair and walked a few steps then stopped, resting her back on her desk.

"Black, why aren't you handing your assignments on time?" I looked away from her. "No answer? Okay, how about why you don't pay attention in class? Why don't you even attend them most of the times? Why your grades are downgrading day by day?" I felt my lips twitch upwards as I closed my eyes, Here you go Black, more questions that you have no freaking answer to.

I reopened my eyes and fixed them on the wall just behind her, trying to mute her off and to melt into my own world. "I expected more from you, Black," she said, her voice laced with disappointment.

Everyone did, I wanted to say but I held myself back.

"And you," she turned her attention to the guy standing by me, "you are a blink away from getting expelled."

Unlike me, he replied, "C'mon, Spence, this is the thousandth time I hear this, yet here I am. I'm standing on school grounds and attending the same boring classes."

"Besides, leave the poor girl alone. It's not like she was the only one who isn't doing what she is supposed to do here. Let's face it, if you wanted to reprimand the students who didn't attend classes, you could get 95% of the school into this office, and they are way worse than her, you and I know that. Not because she is new then that means the teachers would start picking on the girl," he continued.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, he was standing up for me?

It took her a while till she replied again. I bet she was trying to master a phrase that didn't conclude a profanity of someway, "This is your last warning," she said lowly.

"Okay." I saw him shrug from the corner of my eye.

"You both could leave now. I expect some improvement, Black." I nodded and walked out of her office, relieved to be finally out of there. I was never an excellent student, but I was never the one called to be warned about their minimal efforts in school either. Though, the reason behind me wanting to be as far away from that room wasn't because I was disappointed in myself, but that room felt like it was pressing on me somehow. I needed fresh air.

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