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There was an unusual chatter between the people scattered around the school that I had noticed ever since we entered the school, but I acted oblivious to it. High schools wouldn't be high schools if they didn't contain drama.

I spotted the person I was looking for by his locker, surprisingly, standing alone. I inspected him from afar. He was a swirl of colors: Blue, yellow, brown, and green. Yet the more I looked at him I saw darkness and wickedness.

Last night was exhausting, and today morning was even more exhausting. The entire morning was packed with arguments between me and Harry; all of it centered around him not fighting with anyone or notifying anyone that he knew anything about the note. He eventually agreed with a grim face.

Someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. I tugged my arm out of her grasp once I saw who she was. The two girls who usually flocked her side were absent. Her hair was pulled away from her face in space buns above her head, showing her menacing features.

She glared at me like I was the one who came and grabbed her by the arm, forcing her to talk to me.

"I'm going to say this only once," she hesitated, glancing behind me. I quirked an eyebrow at her, looking back as well for her to grab my chin roughly and force me to look at her.

"Eyes right here, mystery girl." I caught her wrist and placed her arm back by her side, not wanting to cause a scene in the morning. "Christopher Benette," she said, "you get away from him."

I pressed my lips into a thin line, "Time doesn't grow on trees, and I certainly don't have time for this nonsense." I spun on my heels, needing to speak to him about last night.

"You think this is jealousy?" I turned back to her, finding a sour look on her face.

I raised my eyebrows challengingly. "It's not. Why would I be jealous over that disgusting prick?" She spat.

"Then what do you want from me?"

She took a deep breath as if to calm herself, "Weren't you supposed to meet him last night at 8?"

I gritted my teeth, "Damn, Maia, even stalking you didn't leave alone?"

"Oh, yeah, half the school stalks you." I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what was going on anymore. "Almost half of the school knew you were going to meet him last night, princess," she said bitterly.

I didn't know what to say back as confusion took control over my tongue, tying it in a knot.

"Look, I did my job and warned you; it's your choice to believe it or not," she said as her eyes left mine and moved over the crowds in the hall.

She raised her arm and flung the couple of books I held in my arm, "Bitch," she said, speaking louder than she was before. She gave me one last glance and walked past me.

The people around snickered as I went down to pick up my books, but I was too busy with running over what Maia had said to care.

I did my job and warned you.

I mean, she didn't say anything that I didn't know, I knew that he wasn't good news since I laid my eyes on him. What confused me was that the warning was coming from her of all people.

Why would Maia, the person who practically bullied me since I arrived, warn me from a guy?

And was she serious when she said that half the school knew about our meeting? Or was this her new way of entertainment?

The bell ringing snapped me back to reality as I realized that I have been crouching down and looking into the void for way too long.

I got up, and even after Maia's warning, I moved my legs towards the guy who was still leaning against the lockers, unbothered by the fact that there was a class about to start. Upon seeing me, he got off the lockers and commenced walking.

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