Prologue 4:Sailor V's Last Stand

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Subaru rubbed his temples. The nightmares he had been having as of recently had started to become more clear. What did it all mean? Why did he keep seeing himself in different clothes and with Seishirou-san? And Hokuto-chan?

Don't tell me they're involved in this mess. I don't want them to be, it's dangerous enough that they're involved with me, never mind if they have powers too...


"Wah! Oh, sorry sensei! I don't feel well today."

"Very well, you may go home."

Subaru walked off, the communicator in his pocket going off. "Subaru, the Dark Agency is downtown, you need to be there."

"Hai hai." Once in the main district, emerald eyes glazed with sleep blinked before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pen. "Moon Power! Transform!"

"Agent of Love and Justice, Codename Sailor V has arrived! Now put those two dow—Hokuto-chan?! Seishirou-san?!"

"We figured out your human identity Sailor V, and these two are the two closest to you. Now what will you do?"

"Crescent boomerang!"

One arm was cut off, releasing an unconscious Hokuto.

"Don't make me do it again, put him down."

"It'd be so easy just to kill him, you know?"

"I said put...him...DOWN!"

Soel blinked as she saw the orange aura surround the area.

"Crescent beam SMASH!"

The youma was defeated and Soel looked at the boy she had chosen to be Sailor V. His true power now awakened. "I can't stay here Soel...they're in danger because of me...I'm going to transfer to England." A ghost of a kiss was left on his sister's cheek and on his boyfriend's lips; Subaru headed home to start making preparations.

"I see...well Larg, it's up to you to find the rest..."

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