Chapter 21: To the Future; Chibi-Moon and Chibi-Earth's Crisis!

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Everyone sat in the arcade at around eleven o'clock at night, even Ember and her twin brother Kousei. In fact, it had been Ember that called the meeting much to the dismay of several of the Sailor Senshi. Kamui looked less than thrilled about being dragged out and to Kamui's surprise, so did Subaru and Seishirou. Both of his teammates had shown up with dressing gowns tied loosely over their pajamas. Eventually the silence was broken by Kurogane.

"Alright kid, you have to have a reason for dragging us all out this late."

Kousei cowered behind his sister as usual. "As a matter of fact I do. I'm afraid in the few months that Kousei and I have been here we haven't been entirely honest....we came back to get help. We're not from another universe per say...we're from the future...."

For the first time since meeting the two of them, Ember seemed to be at a loss for words and to everyone's surprise a softer voice spoke up. "Please...Sailor have to help our home and our parents..."

Kotori exchanged a glance with her older brother who had long since stopped looking annoyed and instead was thinking. "The two lost in time...I wonder..." Surprising most people by moving away from Subaru, he leaned in front of the twins. "Ember-chan, Kousei-kun, just how far in the future are you from?"

Ember spoke again. "We're from the year 3000....the world has become a very different place...thanks to..." She felt her brother squeeze her hand. "Nemesis."

"Nemesis, what the hell is that?"

This time it was Kurogane and Fai that exchanged looks. "We've been tracking a mysterious 10th planet with Soel and Larg. This may very well be the Nemesis that the twins are talking about."

"Yes...but there's more...we escaped from our body guards....and slipped through the door...since the temporary guard didn't really know how the rules of the door worked in full. At least not as well as Sailor Pluto..."

"Time traveling is forbidden...what if I get punished for this?"

Soel hopped forward towards Kotori. "I'm sure Sailor Celestial will know it wasn't you."

"Sailor Celestial; who is that?"

Soel and Larg exchanged looks. "Another time. Right now we need you to open the door to the future Kotori. We need to get to the future."

"But the taboo...."

The jewels on Soel and Larg's foreheads began to glow and everyone heard a soft male voice. "Never fear Sailor Pluto, for this I will allow it. You must get Chibi-Moon and Chibi- Earth back home and help them. In doing so you all may learn the truth."

The transmission ended. "That was a message from Sailor all of you, transform!"

"I'm down! Earth Crystal Power!"

"Fuuma! You're going to get killed if you go alone! Moon Crystal Power!"

"Hey if they're going it's my duty to protect them. Jupiter Star Power!"

"I won't leave your side Sorata...those words I said in the final battle against Hinoto were true...Mars Star Power!"

Subaru fidgeted he was technically the leader of the inner senshi, but he just got Seishirou back. He didn't want to lose him and then there was Hokuto-chan...

"Well, I can't have Arashi be the only girl going! You boys will just goof off otherwise OHOHOHOHOH! Mercury Star Power!"

"Come on Kuro-rin! We need to babysit! Neptune Planet Power!"

"Fine by me, I would like some answers. Uranus Planet Power!"

"Can't go to the future without me! Pluto Planet Power!"

"Come on Kousei...we're going home. Earth Prism Power!"

"Hai Ember...Moon Prism Power!"

Subaru still fidgeted as he held his transformation rod in his hand. " should stay here...I can't lose you again. Venus Star Power!"

"Subaru-kun...I am not staying here. My siblings are going and more importantly, you're going. I'm a Sailor Senshi too...don't worry, I'll be careful. Saturn Planet Power!"

Subaru circled his arms around the older teen's waist as Soel and Larg spoke. "Very well; Sailor Pluto if you please."

Kotori stepped forward holding her garnet rod. "Guardian of time! Tear apart the sky and open the Door of Space-Time to me! I call your true name, the almighty god of time, the guardian of time's father, Chronos! Guidance to me! Protection to me! The path of light to me!"

"Alright Sailor Senshi, through the portal."

"Not so fast...we're going too."

"And you are?"

"Sailor Star Fighter!"

"Sailor Star Healer!"

"Sailor Star Maker! We are the Sailor Starlights and body guards to Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Chibi Earth."

"How'd you find us?"

"We were guided by Sailor Celestial."

"Fine you can come, let's go before it closes."

As they walked through, everyone got pulled in different directions. Kamui found himself at a mist covered gate. "Where am I? Where is everyone?"

"Kamui? Kamui answer me!"

Kamui's ears perked at Fuuma's voice and he followed it. "Fuuma, have you seen the others?"

"No I haven't...let's go find them."

"You're going the wrong way....come this way." Instantly Kamui found himself in back of Fuuma. They were greeted with a tall figure in elegant black, white, and lavender robes.

Kamui's eyes narrowed. "And you are?"

"Always the touchy one. In this life I'm known as the King of the Earth; in my past life however I had a few different titles. The Prince of Earth and later Sailor Earth."


"You came here in search of your comrades and to help us as well? Then follow me. I apologize for my appearance, it is merely a data-based projection of myself. Like everyone else I have fallen asleep; everything changed when the Black Moon attacked. Your friends have found their way into different locations of the Crystal Palace...come with me."

Kamui and Fuuma looked at each other and chose to follow him. Technically it was Fuuma and Fuuma had never lead Kamui astray before. As for Fuuma, what choice did he have but to trust himself?

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