Chapter 13:The Golden and Silver Crystals Join! The Rainbow Crystal Revealed!

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Kamui rolled over in his bed. All this information over the past few day was mind-blowing. Why did Fuuma have to be a prince too? And why, heaven forbid, did his brother have to have such devastating power?

A beeping sound on his nightstand made him roll over again. "Sailor Senshi to the headquarters immediately." Kamui groaned and thought about rolling over but heard both Subaru and Hokuto moving about in their rooms so he knew he had to get up or face Hokuto's wrath.

"Are we really walking there this late at night?"

"No way, Subaru has a car we're driving."

"What about Sorata and Arashi?"

"Sorata drives."


"His brother has a car you know."

"Is that safe?"

"Yes Kamui; Seishirou-san isn't going to drive recklessly with his brother and sister in the car."


"Do you really think this is the enemy's base Mercury?"

"Computer findings say yes."

"Why did we have to split up into two groups? This is dangerous and why is Su—Venus with that perverted bastard?"

"Because Saturn wouldn't have it any other way that's why."

"Well if it isn't the widdle sailor brats, the weak end of the stick too. However, I see you brought Sailor Moon with you and that's all I need to know."

"You'll get Sailor Moon over our dead bodies you wicked witch! Come on Jupiter."

"Right behind you!"

"Fire Soul!"

"Supreme Thunder!"

Kamui blinked. Sorata and Arashi were a couple and it didn't bother their duties as Sailor Senshi... Red tinted violet eyes looked over at his teammate; his best friend. Did that mean it would be okay if the two of them...?

Kamui was so busy daydreaming about the what ifs in battle that he barely registered the fog cover Hokuto had whipped up and he never saw the oncoming attack from the female youma—"KAMUI GET DOWN!"

He felt himself get pushed down to the ground and saw the sharp blade go through—"FUUMA!"

Hokuto, Arashi, and Sorata turned to see Kamui cradling Fuuma in his arms, blood seeping through the wound in his chest; evident against his white uniform.

"You can't die you just can't...not until I tell you that I lo—"

"What happened in here? We heard scre—big brother?! WHAT HAPPENED? WHO DID IT? I'LL KILL THEM!"

"Pluto-chan the lights...the silver and golden crystals are becoming one..."

"Where's Venus and Saturn?"

"Don't know, they're not with us."

In between Kamui and Fuuma formed the Rainbow Crystal and images came flooding back.

"Sailor Venus?"

"Prince Kamui...please...forgive me...I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better."

"Venus answer me a Sailor Saturn the only one that can make you happy?"

A moment's hesitation as if he was sure it was allowed. "Yes..."

Both princes exchanged looks before nodding.

"This is the Rainbow Crystal, Venus. With its power we can send all of us, including Saturn, to a new life on Earth. However, none of us will remember anything about this time or this place. We will send our two advisors down to Earth to awaken us again if necessary."

But why were those memories coming back now? Did that mean they were supposed to use it and restart their cycle again? Or did it mean something else?

"The Rainbow Crystal, at last, I'll take that now!"

"Crescent Beam!"

"You aren't touching anything! That belongs to the Prince of the Moon Kingdom and the Prince of the Earth. It only forms when their love is requited!"

Kamui turned pink. Subaru was the soldier of love, but did he have to keep going on about the subject?!

A gloved hand touched Kamui's cheek. "Nice to know you return the feelings I hold for you, but I'm afraid it's too late." A weak kiss to the corner of the shorter male's mouth before he went limp in Kamui's arms.


"Hasn't Sailor Short stuff finished that youma off ye—" Even with the transparent purple visor, the wave of emotions in amber eyes was evident. "Outer senshi, lead them all out of here that's an order. Inner Senshi you should follow as well and protect that crystal."

"But only Sailor Moon can get rid of the youma! They're too strong for the rest of us!"

"You're wrong."


"I don't plan on it, I'm not that mad yet. Silence Glaive Surpri—"

"All we need is one thing and that's this one." With a flash, an unconscious Fuuma was transported to her arms. "Still going to hit me Saturn, even though I have your dear sweet little brother? I didn't think so."

As she disappeared, all eyes turned between Subaru and Seishirou. With Fuuma gone, it was Seishirou's job to lead the outer senshi and since Kamui was an emotional wreck, Subaru stepped up.

"So what do we do now?"

"We go home and prepare ourselves for war. Next time we bring the fight to them."

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