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Iseul Never Really understood the concept of love. sure she's had a couple of boyfriends here and there. but she never experienced the rapid thumping of her heart when fingers brushed or glances were stolen. her eyes never warmed with unadulterated happiness while with her short-termed suitors.

even when they told her they loved her she couldn't respond. she would look away, not wanting to see the light in their eyes dim as every silent minute ticked by. at one point iseul thought she was broken. why couldn't she love them back? why couldn't she reciprocate those feelings?

the only relationship she could keep was with her best friend kim taehyung, who didn't seem to mind her absentee emotions. he was the shoulder she leaned on during the rare occasions that she cried.

one of those rare occasions were right now. taehyung's strong arm were wrapped around iseul's waist, her back pressed firmly against his warm chest as their breathes filled in the silence encasing the bed room. she had stopped crying long ago, streaks of dried up tears on her tan cheeks being the only evidence of her little breakdown.

getting tired of the suffocating silence taehyung decided to finally speak. "iseul do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, his warm breath ghosting her ear as he spoke.

it took moment for iseul to register the fact that he was talking to her, her brain feeling foggy as she thought about her shortcomings. finally being pulled out of her thoughts she turned around; being met with worried warm chocolate brown eyes that seemed to swim with emotions.

"it was the same as always, he said he loves me."

"and then what happened?" taehyung questioned even though he knew the answer. although iseul didn't cry often, when she did taehyung knew how she liked when he asked her questions so she could vent.

"i..i couldn't answer ..i mean how could i? i couldn't just sit there and lie to him." tears welled up in the girl's eyes as she choked out the words, she felt as if they were caught in her throat. "and he looked so happy when he told me, his eyes lit up like a fucking Christmas tree tae." by now iseul's tears were streaming down her face, following the same path as the previous ones.

a lump formed in taehyung throat as he watched his best friend come undone for a second time that night. "please stop crying." taehyung stated as he made isuel look at him and wiped the tears from her eyes. "you'll be alright, you always are right?"

iseul hesitantly nodded as she gazed into taehyung's eyes. giving a small smile iseul reached up and cupped taehyungs cheek in her small hand, absent mindely noticing how warm it was.

"thank you taehyung."

placing his large hand over hers the boy smiled as he leaned down and kissed her forehead, iseul's eyes closing at the endearing touch.

with a content hum, iseul slid her hand from taehyung's and turned back around. pressing her back against his chest again she grabbed the boy's arm and secured it around her waist, taehyung taking it upon himself to slide the other one under isuel and pull her closer to his chest.

in the silence of the room taehyung hoped that the worn out girl couldn't hear how his breathing became irregular or felt the hurried thumping of his heart.

as minutes passed and iseul's breathing finally evened out, taehyung's eyes drifted towards the ceiling as his eyes glazed over. thoughts about the girl beside him pervaded his mind while he watched the fan overhead make another rotation.

deciding that he'd rather drift off to a hopefully dreamless sleep than wallow in his own dispirited thoughts he closed his eyes, although he knew deep down that it was just wishful thinking.

that day taehyung dreamt of iseul, the girl he knew he couldn't have.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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