Game shop, Non-stop

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Genre: Sweet but sexy fluff

Word count: 1110

Song: Overwhelming – Jon Bellion (not a lot to do with it but I was listening to it)

Warnings: Slight social anxiety but other than that ??

Credit to my Boo, Breanne (messedupbuttercup) for the request/idea, love you xx


Originally my plan was only to buy the new crash bandicoot game.

I didn't dress particularly fancy, just a pair of jeans and an old shirt, I hadn't even showered that morning. I was just so excited to pick up the new game that had just been released. I guess I thought there was no use scrubbing up just to walk to my local game store and go straight back home and lounge on the couch for a week as I finish the game.

I regretted my decision almost instantaneously.

I wandered into the shopping centre and made a beeline for the game store. The place was busy but this wasn't the biggest plaza in my fairly large town. People tended to migrate there. I passed children in unattended prams, teens on their phones on chairs, and elderly people slowly making their way down the long halls with their canes. An inconvenience but go them. The sounds of the life around me drowned out by the noise cancelling buds in my ears.

I rounded the corner and instantly saw the very bright and obnoxious game store about 20 metres ahead of me. About 100 signs tapped to the walls surrounding it screaming SALE in capital letters. Obviously trying to lure in kids and wannabes.

But the next thing to catch my eye was the boy standing in front of the store, on his tippy toes with his arms stretched up, trying to place one of the last posters on the window. He looks about the same height as me, brown fringe, lightly tanned skin, and hot. His standard issue uniform sits snug over his fairly broad chest and shoulders and as I walk closer he turns his head in my direction. His mouth slightly ajar and his eyes wide and Labrador brown. I glance down at myself and immediately feel underdressed. I zip up my maroon jacket to obscure my old shirt as I wander into the shop to find my game on the shelf.

It just so happens that he finished that moment as well. I had already picked up my game and was browsing the stacked cases for some other new ones when he stood beside me and asked if I need anything.

"You, maybe?" I smirk and turn back to the cases, trying to act mildly disinterested. To my surprise he awkwardly chuckles and offers a thanks. Thrown slightly off guard I laugh under my breath and tell him I'm okay for now. He meanders off toward the counter and I start making a plan in my head, it's more of a fantasy but it could work, why not give it a try.

I stroll over to the counter taking my time, picking up random items I pass. Fiddling with a small Bulbasaur plushie as I pass a table covered in sale items. When I reach the counter he raises his eyebrows and sighs slightly but noticeably.

"Okay maybe I could use your help," I mutter, my voice imitating my true self-consciousness lying beneath the cocky demon that decides to show up every once in a while. He nods with a smile, the sort that retail workers have to give the customers, but slightly softer. Stepping away from the counter he asks what I need and I point over to the shelf I was by, right at the top where I can barely reach but he probably can with his extra 2 inches.

"Which one?" he jokingly huffs with a roll of his eyes.

"Final Fantasy XV."

I dawdle slightly behind him as we move back to where I was, not wanting to get in the way but also positioning myself in the right place. With one foot on the bottom shelf he muscles himself up and grabs the game but before he can get down I place my hands on the exposed skin of his waist and feel him jolt as he falls, straight into my arms.

"Cute," I mutter before letting him up. He pulls down his top and dusts himself off before furrowing his brows slightly and giving me a slightly hysterical giggle.

"Thanks, you too" he chuckles before handing me the disc and making his way back to the counter with me on his tail.

"You're new here, right?" I ask, making light conversation. I definitely haven't seen him around here before.

"Uh, I guess so? I started last month. I haven't seen you here before."

"Yeah, I usually pay online. I thought this would be a nice opportunity to get out of the house."

"Was it worth it?" He flirts with a quick side glance and smirk that could melt my insides. The dimples on each cheek showing with his genuine smile.

"Very," I manage to stammer out between uneven breaths, my mock confidence wearing away with every look he gives me. His eyes warm and puppy-like, his cheeks blushed with attention, his jeans tight, moulding to his body.

And suddenly I couldn't wait to get out of there. Every part of my façade melting away. I hand over two $50 bills and tap my foot impatiently as he scans my two new games and signs the receipt. When he's done I take them from his grasp with my 'I have to social I hope I don't stuff this up smile' and thank him, walking straight out that door with a sigh. I make my way over to the food court, just wanting a coffee to calm my nerves. After grabbing my regular double shot cappuccino I sit in the corner of the small cafe and look out to the car park, just watching everything pass by.

Why did I have to stuff that up so bad? Things were going great, I was flirting, he was flustered. He was adorable. Oh my god I didn't even ask if he was gay.

I take one more deep sip of my coffee and move to grab another as I reach the ends of my own and as I take my eyes from the window I see a familiar frame at the counter. Tall, lean but broad shouldered, black hoodie and skinny jeans.

Oh God. Oh well there's nothing you can do. Maybe he didn't notice.

I move to get up before he catches my eye and comes over with a cup in each hand. He places a cappuccino in front of me and something sickeningly sweet in front of himself. Appropriate. I fall back into my chair and shoot him a questioning glare, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, I saw what you ordered. We have to at least get coffee before you start grabbing my waist."

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