•Chapter Twenty-Four•

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"A man's gotta fight temptation."- Wolves, Rag'n'Bone Man, 2016

"Do you honestly think anyone will forgive you for all the things you have done?"

Jim decided to play Lacrime at his own game, enjoyment any sane man would find sinful. Though James Penderry wasn't entirely a sane person. "No one will ever forgive you. Not me, Freddie, my family or whoever else you have made suffer from your horrid curses. Your curse has broken me in ways I cannot put into words, though the one thing you will never take is my life."

Lacrime composed him, finding what Jim said to be laughable. He forever mourned his dead lover, but if there was one thing that made him forget his sorrow, it was committing violent acts that ended in death. The bloodshed, the screams...like he always said:

Attacking violently was better than making love. That was his sin, sexual enjoyment from others' misfortune.

Of course, he never forgot his dear Ricky. He always played on his mind. His velvet locks that he could run his fingers through, his pleasing muscles...yes, now he knew why he had cursed two men equally as handsome. It wasn't because he felt like it at all, it was because Jim and Westman both resembled Ricky Baxendale in their own individual ways- ways that didn't compare to his previous victims.

"I'll admit you have resilience, Jimmy." Lacrime said, moving closer towards Jim. "Why, hearing you speak in such a determined tone draws me to you even more. Humans sure are fascinating creatures, especially those with spectacular looks. Tell me, have you ever been complimented by anyone other than a woman?"

He moved like a shadow, standing behind Jim and holding one arm behind his back. Jim's rifle fell out of his hands as soon as he struggled, and with nothing else he could do he stayed still.

"In what way, can I ask?"

Lacrime chuckled, free hand moving to Jim's neck. "Suggestively, of course. William Song wasn't hesitant in giving you a secret little smack on the arse during the ball now, was he? Do you have feelings for him, Jim?"

Jim tried to turn away, though it was no use. "Why would I have feelings for him? I would never betray Bunny!"

"Ah, you see you say that." Lacrime smirked, hoping to gain a rise out of the journalist. "Though I imagine somewhere deep down there is a part of you that wants William getting into your trousers. Then again, who wouldn't want him?"

"Be my guest, he's all yours." said Jim, disgusted by Lacrime's words. He hated the way he talked, and he just wanted him gone. "I wouldn't have him even if my life depended on it. I do not think of men in the way you do, even if I did I would not choose someone who drops their trousers every five minutes."

"Jim!" Westman called out, not hesitating to pull Lacrime off of Jim and land blow after blow on his face. "Find Blaire, George and Oliver, make sure they are safe! I'll handle this!"

Jim nodded, doing what was asked of him. Westman pinned Lacrime down, expecting him to fight back. To his surprise, he didn't.

"I've succeed in my task. I have broken your mind, and there is nothing you can do to piece it back together." Lacrime said, looking at his work proudly. "You can't stop this, Alfred. What's done is done. Changing your fate will not end well for anyone, especially the people you love."

"What's done is done."

"You have have succeeded in breaking my mind, yes, though you have failed in taking my life." Westman held his blade against Lacrime's throat. "I will not end it all because that is what is written in your curse. What makes me- all of us, different to your previous 'subjects', is that we do not give in. Yes there were times were I was close, though I didn't do it. I couldn't do it. I couldn't picture myself dying at a young age."

Masquerade  {A Penderry's Bizzare Fanfic}《COMPLETED ✔️》Where stories live. Discover now