Gary Oak - I'll Stand by You

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                I've been living at Gary's new lab happily for the past year and a half now and I've been loving every minute of it. Sure, things started off a little rocky when I first arrived, but they smoothed over once we got the hang of things.

Lately I haven't been as enthusiastic as I originally was about helping Gary and the other scientists with their work. I'll assist them when they need me too without a second thought, I just don't bother going out of my way in helping them like I use too. I'm just not interested in their work anymore. Instead I've been spending more time with the Pokémon.

I've been observing them and their patterns, when the males and females are interacting, and how they interact with the younger Pokémon. I write down anything that I see that's strange and look it up in the many books that Gary has in his library. Everything that I lean makes me even more curious about these creatures, and unientionally, I sometimes spend hours on end in the library taking notes of what I find out.

With everything that I continue to learn it solidifies my want to become a pokemon breeder, but I'm still hesitant on the decision.

To be a proper breeder I would want to shadow another breeder for at least a year to make sure that I'm doing everything properly or know what to look for in case something should go wrong. And that means I would have to leave here, and I don't want too, this place has become my home and I love it here.

"Claire, there you are." I quickly stuffed my journal shut shoving it into my bag along with my pen, hoping that Gary wouldn't notice.

"Hey, sorry Gary. Did you need me for something?" I ask turning my head around so that I could look at him while putting the rest of my belongings into my bag

"Yea, I just finished something, and I wanted your opinion on it."

"Ok, be right there." I stood up and adjusted my bag on my back before heading towards the lab.

Apparently, I wasn't allowed to walk though. I screamed in surprise when Gary picked me up and wrapped his arms around my waist placing me in front of him on the back of his Arcanine, who in turn let out a loud bark happily now that I had joined them.

"I am so getting you back for that pal." I mumbled scratching the back of the large pokemon's head.

"So, does that mean that I'm off the hook then?" Gary asked smirking.

"Never." I smirked back winking at him.

He mumbled something under his breath, which I happily ignored, and enjoyed the ride by leaning back into Gary's chest. He tightened his arms around my waist and I couldn't help but smile, one of my few secrets that I have is that I have a crush on the brown-haired boy sitting behind me.

"What do you need my opinion on anyways?" I ask once the lab came back into view.

"It'll be easier for me to show you instead of trying to tell you." He jumped off his friend and grabbed my waist again to help me down once we reached the building. Our gazed locking for a moment.

I broke it though by turning around and taking my bag out of Arcanine's mouth. Whenever he takes me for rides for some reason he loves holding my bags in his mouth. Smiling, I scratch his favourite spot under his chin and turn around to walk back into the building with Gary by my side.

He leads me through the lab and we greeted everyone that we passed until we got into an area that I wasn't familiar with. I may live in this building, but it doesn't mean that I give myself full run of the place. There are some places that I don't venture into out of respect to Gary and the other researchers. Gary paused in front of a closed door and hesitated.

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