Gary Oak - Learning to Love and Trust

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We've been walking through these woods for days and we have yet to see any wild pokemon, which is odd, but I'm not complaining.

"Remind me again why we're not just flying home?" I ask in irritation to the boy in front of me.

Giving me a sideways glance, he sighs in irritation. "Because you can't keep travelling with only one pokemon, you need to have at least three in case anything happens." He replies with equal irritation in his voice that I did with mine. "Stop here and get some training in, I'm going to look for some fire wood." He demands slamming his pack to the ground and walking away from me angrily.

"I have two pokemon thank you very much." I grumble under my breath, and unlike him I gently place my bag on the ground so that I wouldn't disturb the egg inside of it.

"For the last time, that dam egg doesn't count until it's hatched." He yells back. I growl in anger the longer that I watch him walking away from me until he was finally out of sight.

                Lately that's all he's been doing is snapping my head off, and quite frankly I'm getting sick of it. So instead of training I'm going to put my plan for revenge into motion. I grab my back pack and carry it in my arms as I walk away from Gary's belongings, I don't go far but I manage to find a perfect hiding spot inside a tree that has a large hole at It's base that was still in perfect view of Gary's bags so that I will be able to see his reaction to my absence. He comes back not too long after I make myself comfortable in my hole and he seems confused when he notices that my things are missing, as well as myself.

                But he doesn't make any move to look for me, instead he continues putting the fire together and lets Umbreon out of his pokeball to keep him company until I return to him. Too bad he doesn't realize that I'm going to play this out for the next couple of days in the very least as pay back for the way he's been treating me. I watch him until the sun sets and I can no longer see him, it hurts me knowing that he didn't come out to look for me as soon as he noticed that something was different, but at the same time it confuses me as to why I care so much. He's been nothing but a jerk to me for the past few weeks, ever since Professor Oak gave me this rare egg instead of him, but that wasn't my fault or choice to make. I sigh and curl up in a ball with my backpack in my chest to keep my egg warm and safe, and I forced myself to fall into a fitful sleep.

                Morning came early as the suns rays shine into my closed eyes, waking me up, I'm groggy and confused momentarily as to why I'm in a tree and not with Gary. But then I remember that I'm the one who left him. In a rush of fear, I leave my hiding spot in the tree and look at the are that I last saw him camping in. I sigh in relief as I see him packing his things, getting ready to leave, so I hurry to do the same and follow his as quietly as I could. The entire time I made sure that I stayed a fair distance away from him but was still close enough that I would be able to follow him wherever he went.

Somehow, I was able to keep this up for three whole days.

                On what would have been the fourth day I made my way towards Gary's camp and got a fire going as he slept, deciding that I was going to be nice and make him some breakfast too. I guess that I've gotten so use to being alone that I didn't realize by the time that I had breakfast started and finished Gary had woken up from the smell and was watching me suspiciously.

"Where have you been?" I jump in my seat, startled, and look behind me so see an angry Gary Oak.

"What are you talking about? I've been with you the entire time."

"No, you haven't been. Where were you? You had me worried sick."

"I was following you this entire time, I wanted to see how long that it would take for you to notice that I was missing." I answer honestly.

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