James - I'll Remember You

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                I closed my eyes and breathes in the fresh air of the meadow. Growlithe and I have been walking in the woods for days observing the other pokemon in the area and enjoying the face that we were out in the open instead of being cooped up in a small vehicle.

A little boy close by started laughing, I open my eyes to see what was happening and my heart skips a beat in pain. The boy is running around with his friends and some of their pokemon behind them, my heart starts hurting even more as I continue watching him and his friends thinking about how that use to feel when it was me with my best friend and his Growlithe. That is now mine. He has the same shade of blue hair that James has and the same looks that he had the last time that I had seen him when we were children and he was attempting to run away from home. Watching him having fun makes me smile sadly remembering all those lost moments that the three of us had together.

Growlithe places his head on my lap and quietly whines. "I know buddy, I miss him too. But I promise that one of these days we will see him again." I promise him, petting him back gently.

We watch the children for a while longer until Growlithe and I both decide that it's time to finish our trip into town and find a place for us to stay until we choose to move on to a new destination.

The town's buildings were now in full view in front of us and Growlithe stopped walking, he sniffed the air and started growling. "What's wrong Growlithe?" He continues to bark and growl in the direction of the town, I hesitate but sigh when I realize that whatever is going on in the town we need to check it out since that's the direction that we were closest too. "Stay close to me and stay quiet alright?" He stops barking and starts running towards the town.

I follow him without a second thought and with the closer that we get the clearer the voices became as they continues screaming in fear. My gut was telling me that we should be running in the opposite direction, but my heart was demanding that we need to protect those people that aren't able to protect themselves, but not once does Growlithe stop or hesitate in his decision to help those people that are screaming. Growlithe has the biggest heart that I have ever seen from either pokemon or humans alike, it makes me smile as it reminds me why I have always love him, and why James did too.

People are screaming in our ears and the air that's being blown around is thick and powdery with some strange substances, it was getting hard to see my friend in front of me, but I continued fighting through it praying that we would reach a clear patch of air soon. But that was until I heard a large vacuum in the air.

The air was becoming clear again but so was my realization of why the people in this town are so afraid as I see multiple sets of uniforms with the symbolic 'R' on their shirts. I clenched my fists in anger at knowing that not only did they steal all the pokemon that belonged to people in this town, they also took my best friend from me. That is the only plausible explanation that I know of for Growlithe to no be by my side right now.

The planes that they were flying from the ground and headed out now that their assignment was finished. As quietly as I could I followed team rocket on foot, sending my Ladyba out to follow knowing that she would be able to keep at better eye on it then I could. But to try and stay close I brought out my Ninetales, who loves to run, and so I allowed her to do what she loves to do. I was surprised that without instructing her to she followed Ladyba's scent, we followed the crystalized scent that only we could follow. It was a unique ability that I didn't know that he had until now.

After a full day and night of running we had finally caught up with Ladyba who had strategically hidden herself as close as she could get to team rocket's base without being noticed. I hugged her tightly and got both my tired friends back into their pokeballs so that they can catch up on the rest that they deserve for working so hard.

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