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Authors note

This is it! the last chapter of domestic and probably the last time I will log into wattpad I loved this period of my life but I feel I must now move, either way, I hope this chapter is enjoyable for my precious readers!

As rogue slowly drifted slowly in and out of consciousness he became aware of an off-putting lack of warmth next to him. this realisation brought him into reality and when he was sure sleep would not return he heaved himself out of bed and started a slow descent towards the kitchen.

his eyes stung with exhaustion as he had spent much too long last night talking to a few friends in different time zones - he and sting travelled a lot and so he befriended the locals quickly.

soon he thoughts were interrupted by the tantalizing scent and sound of an egg being fried. as he was stumbled into the kitchen lead by his nose his boyfriend laughed at his appearance before rogue could attempt to quell his outrageous bedhead, "I know a fried egg isn't good for you but today's a special occasion and I know this  is your favourite" his boyfriend said still tittering

rogue failed to think of the 'special occasion' he had missed he took a wild guess with "happy anniversary?" which only evoked more laughter from his partner.

"did you forget?"

"maybe" rogue huffed refusing to admit his shortcomings

after rolling his eyes almost to the back of his skull, fully used to his boyfriend's stubbornness, sting said "I can't believe you forgot, tch tch. it's your first day today!"

"oh man I'm gonna be late"

"don't worry you always sort things out for me, I've returned the favour so you can have a nice lie in"

as the two boys looked at each other and shared a quick kiss they realised what they had achieved - domestic bliss.

the end

Domestic (stingue)Where stories live. Discover now