Movies (PP)

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Hello, my name is Grace and I hope you enjoy this imagine I made! 

also, I curse, beware

(Readers POV) (peep nerdy Peter)

"Cmon man, it will be so fun!" I stated with my hands cupped together in a pleading motion. Michelle wasn't really a movie type of person. The only time I convinced her to go with me she snuck a book in and read the whole time.

"Fine," she said dryly as a smile tugged at the ends of my lips. There was a reward trip that Liz was throwing for the academic decathlon win and not dying in DC. She said we could all set up a time to go see a movie and we would just hang out.

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and closed my locker as the school bell rang. I practically skipped home.

Michelle was my only really close friend. Not that I didn't like anyone else (like she did) she just seemed to be the kind of person who would be real with me. I needed that in my life and so we instantly became friends.

~~~Time skip because I'm a lazy piece of shit~~~

When Mj and I had gotten to the theatre, we paid for our tickets and went into the certain show. I saw Liz and a couple of her friends sitting next to her towards the back of the room. We had marched up the stairs and I took a seat next to Mj who was sat next to Liz.  

"Hey Y/N what's up?"

"Nothing much I'm just really excited to be at the movies." 

Michelle pulls out a book from her bag and begins to read. Me and Liz look at her like she's insane.

"It's just the previews, damn."

A couple minutes pass and we are on our phones.

"Do you know who else is coming?" I piped to Liz

"A lot of people, Ned, Cindy, Peter, Flash..." 


Flash is one of the most egotistical people I've ever met. He has constantly been trying to get in my pants all year. He also doesn't really like Peter. It just made me angry that he could be considered 'popular' if all he does is act like his head is shoved up his ass 90% of the time. 

"Hey guys!" Liz greeted a group of people that walked into the theatre, and in the back of the crowd was Peter and Ned. 

"Hey Liz," said Ned "Hey Y/N" 

Peter sulked into a seat in front of us girls. 

"Guess who's here, Y/N?" Michelle asked me as she giggled. 

I looked at the door for my eyes to be met with Flash. I scoffed and I turned down to look at my phone. Flash hopped up the stairs and told Liz to scooch so that he could sit next to me, and like the asshole friends they are, they did.

I saw Liz and Mj laughing hysterically whilst I was suffering. Flash knows I don't like him and that's why he does all of this stuff. 

The movie was just about to start when flash started up. 

"So Y/n, you have a boyfriend yet?" 

"No, and if I wanted one you would be my last choice."

Ned and Peter looked at each other in shock (for some reason) and then turned to us.  

"Oh c'mon don't be like that. Everyone knows you love me. You know you want a piece of the Flash." 

I scoffed and tried to turn my body away from him, but he continued his antics. 

He pretended to yawn and put his arm around me. I tried to move his arm, but he didn't. 

Peter faced the front and sighed in annoyance. 

"What's up with you, PENIS? You have a thing for my girl?" 

Peters face warmed and turned red and he looked down at his lap.

"Fuck off," I said. 

Peter and Ned's heads whipped around because they thought that I was talking to them. 

"Oh, babe it's okay." Flash laughed "I know those losers bother you."

"First off I'm not your girl, and won't ever be. Secondly, he has a name, and it's Peter, not Penis. And the fact that you go to a gifted kids school and can't wrap your tiny brain around a 5 letter word is hilarious."

Peter's jaw was on the floor. He couldn't take his eyes off of what was happening. 

"Flash right, like the superhero?" I asked him.

"Yep, fastest man alive." Flash said trying to get to me 

"No wonder you can't get a date." I said and I moved his arm off of me. 

He grabbed his jacket and stormed off. I waved a pretty wave as Liz's mouth was agape and Michelle was laughing hysterically. I got up and grabbed my things like I was leaving. Meanwhile, Peter was watching my every move. I walked to the row in front of us and I walked to the seat next to Peter's. 

"Can I sit here?" I asked. 

"Y-yeah," he stammered. "You d-didn't have t-to do that." 

"Well it's about time you get some justice, and I just needed some way to embarrass him."

"She just committed social suicide for you dude." Ned said to Peter slapping him in the arm.

Peter's head whipped back around to me. 

"Who wants to be popular anyways? Star Wars is where it's at." Peter gave a nervous chuckle. While neds face looked like a smiling puffer fish. (google it

The lights dimmed and the movie was starting. 

~~Time skip~~

After the movie, Mj walked me home. 

"He totally likes you!" Mj said. 

"No he doesn't." I blush

"He gave you his number." 

"Maybe a little." I said.


Thanks so much for reading! If you have any requests please comment or message me! I didn't proofread, but if there are any mistakes then you can comment on those too. 

Love ya babes!!

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