Tonight Wasn't So Bad After All (PP)

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Warning: Attempted assault, a pinch of anxiety, and 1 curse word, fluff at the end

Spider-Man saves Y/N from a thug, and he gets anxious that he didn't save her in time.

I was walking home from Jojo's Diner by myself after I had gotten stood up by a date. I really wasn't feeling that good about myself at the time. My house wasn't that far from the diner, but I still pulled my hood up over my head so that people wouldn't know I'm a girl and maybe they would leave me alone. 

It didn't work.

As I was walking I turned the corner to find a car parked in an alley. I started to pick up my pace ad I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started to dial 911. Not that I was calling, but in case I needed to. Dang it anxiety why do you do this to me? 

Well as I was walking there was a big dude standing and leaning on the corner of one of the buildings close to the alley. He jumped out in front of me and I instantly went into a sprint, but he was too close and he caught up to me. My phone flopped out of my hand and I was flailing to pick it back up.

I screamed as loud as I could as the guy wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. He dragged me back into the alley as I was screaming and clawing and punching as hard as I possibly could. I was screeching my head off. My face was hot and I was sweating as he pulled me into the alley. I could feel my stomach starting to bruise from his arms squeezing me so tight. 


He pulled me into the alley and my throat was starting to hurt from all of the yelling and being out of breath. He pinned me to the brick wall and I was still screaming. 

"Nobody can hear you sweet doll"

I was crying at this point.

"Please don't do this, you have the wrong person. Please." I cried as the hot tears fell down my face. 

I screamed again but I was cut off by a hand at my mouth. I bit his hand as hard as I could, to the point where his skin broke under my teeth. He yanked it back as I belted out. 

I heard a 'thwip'  and I saw a red figure swing in front of me yelling: "HEY JACKASS!"

He swung into the side of the guy pinning me to the wall. He totally kicked him right in the kidney as the dude let go of me and I stood there in shock. I watched as Spider-Man beat the hell out of the guy who tried to fight back but didn't stand a chance. He shot a web out of his hand and webbed the thug onto the wall. He looked around frantically until his white eyes landed on me. 

"Are you okay?" 

I shook my head no, it scared the living hell out of me. 

"Can I swing you home?" 

"Yeah," I said small.

"Okay, here" He said as he wrapped his arms around me. 

I winced in pain as I lifted my shirt up to expose the bruises around my stomach above my bellybutton. 

"Oh I'm so sorry. Get on my back." I walked behind him and hopped on as he squatted down.

"Hold on," he said preparing me for the ride.

"Okay." I said again, I was still a little shaken up about what had happened.

He jumped up and stuck to the side of the building. Then he jumped up into the air and he whipped his hand and hung on; we swung through the air and it was the most beautiful sight of the city.

It got really cold from the breeze so I nuzzled my head into his neck. 

"Where do you live?" 

"Apartment 304 in the building on the corner of 36th." I said back to him. 

After we had swung for about 3 minutes he landed on the top of the parking garage for my apartment building. I hopped off his back and he turned to face me. He instantly started to ramble on in questions about me. 

"Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? Oh my gosh, should I take you to the hospital?-" 

"I'll be alright, I just need some sleep. How can I thank you?" 

"Oh it's alright I'm Spider-Man, there is no nee-" 

I just hugged him as tight as I possibly could, it looked like he needed a hug as much as I did. 

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and he held me back. 

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." 

"In my book you came just in time." 

"No, that man could've hurt you, and he did!" 

"I think I'll live Spider-Man." I hugged him again. 

"How can I make you believe that I'm okay?" 

"I don't know, I know I was too late and I don't know how to make it-" He froze in place.

I slid my hands up his shoulders and onto his neck. I reached the lip of the mask and I lifted it up slightly to expose some blushy cheeks. I kissed his cheek and slid the mask back down. 

"Good night and thank you, Spider-Man."

"Uhh-I- Uh Goo-Goodnight" He said scratching the back of his neck.

I slowly walked away and I heard a "WOOOOO!" and then a thwip away.

I smiled to myself as I unlocked my apartment door. 

Tonight wasn't so bad after all.


I hope you enjoyed that one, I know it was a little short, but if you have any requests then feel free to give me some! 

Love ya 


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