Chapter 3

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It had taken months for him to return to school with the previous year ending and the next one already under way. Fortunately he was allowed to technically stay with his class while being at home as long as he did all the homework and assignments on time. During that time the police investigation came to a close with nothing to show for it but the school itself was still being closely watched by  the local community.

He had returned to school looking different, bright red glasses that almost looked too big for him and dorky red shoes to match. Looking closer the dark circles under his eyes, partially hidden by the glasses, and the even jumper attitude showed a change mentally; not that anyone cared to look that closely. The whispering started up again and rumours about him spread like wild fire ranging from scarily accurate like he had gotten a quirk, somethings that had been kept a secret from the students and most of the staff, to absolutely ridiculous like he was a ghost haunting the school or he was simply a robot. The whole atmosphere had been tense with not even Bakugo saying anything to him for two months.

Another couple years pass with a few specific bullying instances but nothing that lead to anything as drastic as when he'd walked off the roof. That was until the teacher was talking about their high school applications. Of course everyone in the class wanted to be heroes but when the teacher announced that Bakugo wasn't the only one to apply for U.A. that the situation took a nose dive.

"I'm going to be the only one from this shitty school to get into U.A., so stay out of my fucking way." Bakugo and his lackeys cornered him after school.

"I-I-I'm just a-applying."

"Don't or you'll regret it. I'm going to be the number one hero and I don't need a shit stain like you to try and hold me back." The out the window went another burnt notebook.

He wanted to cry, but that would mean that Bakugo had won. Deep breaths calmed him and he closed his eyes and counted to ten just to make sure. Bakugo had already left by then but it just meant that he could pack up and find his notebook in peace. When he finally found his notebook he found all the writing inside was either burnt or soaked from it's landing in the koi pond. He found that he didn't want to go home just yet and decided to take a less direct route to delay the inevitable question of why his note book looked like it had been in a campfire then dropped in a pool.

He couldn't help but notice that it was a rather nice day with a warm sun, cool breeze, and sparse clouds in the sky. Walking under a bridge he felt the air become damp and cooler and he began to feel a little more uneasy. It wasn't the same kind of uneasiness he got when Bakugo was angry but rather like someone was watching him. So when he heard the sound of a moving man hole cover, he turned before freezing at the sight of the slime villain.

"You'll make the perfect meat cover." The villain grinned before leaping at him with the intent on suffocating him.

His survival instincts kicked in and he thrashed about wanting to breathe again causing his glasses to fall and land to the side. Fear caused him to freeze up and close his eye. The villain noticed and began to chuckle victoriously. The ringing in his ears became dampened and the familiar comforting darkness that he'd felt before returned to him. It wasn't as comforting this time though but it was enough to feel like he wanted to be lost in it again when it vanished and he could feel someone trying to wake him.

His eyes opened to notice the number one hero, All Might, staring at him. His eyes widened in shock before remembering that his glasses had come off during the struggle. But it was too late, the world had frozen and he found himself in what seemed to be a wasteland at first before he noticed that this was in fact a destroyed city. Dead bodies filled gaps in the rubble and practically lined the street leaving him gagging at the sight. In front of him were two people, a vaguely familiar blonde man facing off against a man in a black mask and suit.

"Look at how pathetic you are, you can't even save all these people. You are destined to fall before me All Might. All the successors of One for All will die by my hand and there's nothing you can do to stop any of this." The masked man declared, looking down upon the frail looking blond.

His eyes widened. Was this blond All Might? But he looked so lanky, nothing like the strong and muscular hero. He didn't understand what was going on when All Might fell to his knees.

"One for All's reign ends right here and now."

The world returned to normal just after the illusionary All Might was killed by the masked man. Immediately he shut his eyes but it still didn't stop the tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeated to the number one hero.

"What just happened?"

"M-my quirk. I-it lets me see s-someone's fears. Th-that's why I-I have t-to wear glasses."

Several minutes seemed to pass before he heard All Might get up and start moving away. At first he thought that the number one hero was disgusted with him for learning what he feared most but the thought didn't last long when the hero returned and he felt the familiar feeling of his glasses being slide into place.

"They're a bit cracked up." All Might confessed before he opened his eyes once more.

"I-it's okay. I-I'm sorry."

"It's alright my boy, I just have to ask that you keep everything you saw to yourself."

He nodded his head vigorously. He always made sure to keep what ever he saw private on the few occasions he'd used his quirk. "All Might, can I-I ask you a question.?"

"Of course, but please make it quick if you can." Suddenly a cloud of smoke covered All Might and dissipated to reveal the skinny blond man he saw in the illusion. "Never mind."

"Well I-I only just got my quirk a couple years ago," All Might's curiosity peaked. "but every time I look someone in the eyes without my glasses on I see their worst fears. I-I don't know how to control it a-and I don't know where I-I should even start. But I-I want to help others, be s-someone w-who can help others with a smile. Ju-just like you. D-do you think I-I can do it?"

"It's a difficult question to answer. A quirk like yours is very powerful but also dangerous, not only to your allies but also to yourself. You would have to put a lot more effort into your training, more so than your peers just to get some sort of control over your quirk. If you're really sure about becoming a hero then I'd have to recommend that you apply for U.A. where there are several powerful pros that can help you."

His eyes began to water, not only did someone finally believe that he could be a hero, it was his idol and the number one hero too.

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