The Move.

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i hope you guys like the first chapter fyi i will warn you if there is any trigger warnings.this is also a modern au
trigger warnings: self harm and thoughts of suicide 


Alex's P.o.V.


Did you hear it?

Did you hear my heart being crushed?

It happens as i rake the blade through my arm. As the blood trickles down my body spilling onto the floor of the empty home. My cousin killed himself two weeks ago after the Hurricane happend. Maybe i should have killed myself too.

I haven't spoken ever since he died. The only person i talk to is the woman who is taking care of me. I guess you can say i'm a selective mute due to my newly found anxiety. So let me catch you up.

I'm a fifteen year old male that lives in the Caribbean. I'm around 5'1 i know i'm short. My dark brown, almost black, hair drops to my shoulders when it's not up And my eyes. Well to everyone i have met they say my eyes are a stunning Violet-Blue. But to me they are ugly.

I sigh putting the blade down and getting up to wash it and my arms. I wrap my arms with bandages before going back to my room laying on the floor. I refuse to lay on the bed.

"Alex?" Miss Jade says walking into my room. I sit up and look at her. "Yes Ma'am?" She smiles widely.

"I have news."


I picked up my backpack and walked out of my room for the last time. I felt the tears fall when Miss Jade came into sight. She smiled sadly at me. i gave the same smile as her own tears fell.

"You should go say bye to her ok love?" She said. i nod and walk off.

i stop at the gates of the Graveyard. i walk in and stop and a small grave at the top of the hill. Rachel Fawcett Lavine. My Mother.

"Hey Mom it's me Lexi heh i got adopted yesterday. Yeah i-i'm sorry what has it been f-five years?" i choke out. "That sounds right. I'm so sorry Mom that this is last time i will get to talk to you..." i was unable to finish talking as i broke down into tears. "I'm so so sorry!"


Mr. Washington's P.o.V.

I was at the airport waiting for Alexander to arrive. He is such a troubled boy. The people told me he was a selective mute so he might never talk to me of the rest of the family. Then i see a boy walking around looking confused. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He visibly flinched.

"Are you Alexander Hamilton?" i ask him. he nods looking up at me. i think my heart stopped for a moment. His eyes  they are an intoxicating color. I smiled wide. "Well then i'm George Washington. But call me what you'd like." He nods again with a small smile. 

We got in the car and drove away. When we stopped at a light i looked over his papers. PTSD, ADD, depression, and anxiety. Poor boy. I started to drive again. I looked over at him to see if he was alright. He was fine besides looking tense. I can't blame him it is his first time in America.

"Alexander?" i say breaking the silence. he looks over at me with a questioning face. "do you have to take medications?" I ask. He nodded and looked down.  "oh no no don't worry your soon to be brother has ADD as well so he takes medication as well." I smiled at him.

Shortly after we pulled into the driveway of the house. He tensed again. I got out of the car and walked over to his side and opened his door. I gave him a warm smile.

"Now, how about we go meet the rest of our little family." He smiles a little and nodes. Then we walk in together. "Martha Laff we are back!" i yell. Again Alexander fliches. Martha walks out of the kitchen.

"Oh my word." She stops as she lays eyes on him. "You're gorgeous." she says before walking over to him. "Can i hug you?" she asks. He nods. Quickly Martha engulfs him into a big hug. Then Laff comes in and see him just as Martha let him go.

"Oh mon dieu!!" he yelps. "He's so small!" Laff exclaims. I let out a small chuckle. After the small introductions we eat but Alexander does not. Laff made a joke and he stifled a laugh. He was smiling, he's warming up to us

"Okay boys i think we should get Alexander here to his room." Laff nods taking Alex's hand and dragging him to his and Laff's room.

"Do you think he will be ok with school?" Martha asks.

"He will be fine if i'm there i promise." 


OMG I DID IT I MADE THE FIRST CHAPTER YAAAAAS i feel kinda bad for Alex right now. i just have to say that i was listening to Twenty One Pilots the whole time i wrote this

k bye


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