The Sister's

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FUCKING FRICKLE FRACK I'M DEAD INSIDE also its like 2 am im gonna be doing a lot of editing when I wake up.... cant wait


Alex's P.o.V.

(Le next day)

Pastel curled up in my pocket as I walked into the lunch room. I walked over to John who was sitting with Laff, Herc, and three girls? I walk up and sit by Laff and John.

"Hi Alex!" John chirped as I sat down. I giggled lightly and kissed his cheek.

"Who are they?" I whisper in to his ear. He look a bit confused and then looked at the three girls.

"OH! You mean the Schuyler sisters!" John said and I noded. "Well then. They are good friends of ours and they are my half sisters." He explained. Then the one in pink got up and walked over to me. (His dad and their dad are hella gay btw for each other)

"So who are you?" She asked. I instantly tensed up.

John and Laff quickly took notice "Hes my brother, Angie." Laff spoke up.

"Oh well im Angelica but everyone calls me Angie!" She held out her hand. I hesitantly shook it back. 

The other two sisters got up and walked over to me. "Im Eliza." The one in blue "and im Peggy!!" The one in yellow yelled. I flinched.

Then Pastel moved around in my pocket, so I took her out of my pocket. "HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT IS THAT A FUCKING SNAKE MOTHER FUCKER GET IT THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!" Herc screamed. The hole lunchroom stopped. 

"Sorry!!!" Laff spoke up in the dead silent room trying not to laugh. He failed a long with the rest of us.

Pastel curld into a ball on my hand. I smiled down at her. Gentaly I ran my finger down her back. John wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. 

"You guys are really cute!!" Peggy said. "Shut it Peg." John barked at her. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"You think thats funny huh?" He asked i noded with a giggle.

I felt his hands move up to my torso so i lifted up Pastel and shoved her into his face. He let out a yelp and fell back. We all broke out in laughter as he sat back up with a glare amid twords me.

Then the lunch room door was kicked open and there a very stressed looking Washington. Again, every froze.

"ALEXANDER GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!" he yelled as he marched over to us.

"Y-yes sir?" I squeaked out. Then he burst out in a long rant. 

Till it was almost done i heard. "Why didn't you tell me about Miss Jade?" Tears weld in my eyes as he wrapped me into a hug.


Sorry i had to cut it short my dog wont shut the fuck up and i can't focus ALSO im gonna post a new non Hamilton story called I'm Different i should post the first chapter today maybe not. Op gotta go.

k bye


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