Catching up

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Wow! Summer camp was super fun!!! I got to knee board,we had a color war,the food was great. Ziplining was the best and I met new friends! Damon is  picking me up so I am waiting I guess I shall tell you about camp and my friends.

I did get in a little trouble because I kissed kale but all my  counselor said was just not do it again. Angela was the worse she got sent to the head counselor 10 times!!! She had to pick up rocks under the pavilion twice a day! I bet her mom,Bonnie won't do anything about. She just lost her husband,Enzo. Not that if she would do anything anyways. Also James got introuble he toilet papered the mess hall.. I have a feeling Tyler and Caroline(they are divorced) will spank james. Well at least Tyler will.  Caroline doesn't like that stuff but will if she has to.. Your prob wondering how do they have kids? Well Bonnie adopted Angela then married Enzo. Tyler adopted James and somehow Caroline fell in love with Tyler and they married. Elena and Stefan are kinda falling apart. Stefan wrote me about it. Damon is like a father to me. Also Kale is Tyler's cousin Mason Lockwood's son(Tyler's uncle)But Mason died.. Matt really actually takes care of him. I think he is gonna adopt him someday.

(Picking up from camp)


I  am on my way to pick up Katie's and all her friends.I hope they all were well behaved so I can report back to parents. 



Once I saw my baby sister I ran to her and bear hugged her! I missed my baby. 

(All speaking)

"DAMON!!!! I missed you!"

"Baby I missed you too!!" Damon said kissing her on the cheek. 

"Hey Damon!" Said Katie's friends.

" tell me who got introuble?"

"Hello I am Grace. Katie and Angela's Counselor. May I speak to you outside?"


Damon gave me the if-you-got-introuble-eye. Which I really didn't all I did is kiss Kale. Damon shouldn't be worried he really doesn't care as long as I didn't take it any further. But I knew Angela was gonna get some displine under Damons watch. 


Hahah I bet grace is telling Damon everything. It's not like Damon will do anything. Right?


The temptation of knowing what they are talking about grew larger. I put my ear to the door I could hear every word. You know with Vamp Earing. Grace just told him about me. Damon told her that it was just a kiss and he would talk to me. At this point I wasn't really sure what that meant. Grace told Damon About Angela. There were no words. I heard the door open so I ran to go sit on my bunk. 


I wasn't mad at Katie I knew it was gonna happen. But I was furious at Angela. After I helped the girls with their stuff. We went to the boys cabin. Jared, James and Kale's counselor told me about James and the toilet paper mess. I grabbed them and put all of them in the car none of them speaked  the whole way to the boarding house. I let them all go to Katie's room. I called Bonnie. She didn't really seem to care. I told her to come over. She said "yeah whatever" I called Tyler he didn't answer. So I called Caroline. Then I called Matt. Just so he could tell kale the surprise. 


(All speak)

"Bonnie,Caroline right this way.HEY MATT YOU COMING??"

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