the new girl

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A/N: The sentences I write in Italics are them speaking in korean and the regular sentences are them speaking in english.

Minho's POV

I was in my room blasting Lil Wayne while I got ready for another boring day of school. I got dressed in ny usual outfit which was a muscle tee, jeans that sagged and a snapback to cover my black ruffled hair. I also sprayed on chocolate axe because you know bitches love that stuff.

Once I was done I flexed my muscles in the mirror. I looked sexy as usual. I was definitely getting some ass today. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Like usual I smelled you before I saw you" said my mom in Korean and I groaned because I hated using my native langauge.

I wanted to be more American so I liked using English which drove ny fanily insane because they couldn't speak it that well but they could understand it.

"Where's my food?" I asked. "I have to meet my niggas in five if I want to get to class on time"

"For the last time already stop using that word" my mom said smacking me on the back of the head with a spatula.

"Why?" I groaned rubbing my sore wound.

"Because it's disrespectful to say and it's offensive to black people"

"But mom I am black and it's okay" I say chuckling as she set my plate down in front of me.

I rolled her eyes when her and my lil bro, Jaesung gave me judging looks. They always did that when I claimed I'm black. But it was true. Yes my appearance on the outside was korean but on the inside I felt black. I am thankful that my skin is naturally tan. Some people actually thought I was mixed.

"Boy hurry up and eat before I slap the yellow out of your ass!" My mom hissed angerily and I quickly wolfed down my food and jumped up to leave.

Outside the rest of my crew waited inside a dark suburban. I threw open the door and entered the weed aroma vechile.

"Aye wassup my niggas" I greeted them in english because that's the langauge that we also spoke when we were around each other.

"Aye dog" said Bobby high fiving and passing me his joint.

I took a drag of it and sighed as the claming effect of the weed got to me.

"Damn this shit is good yo" I said laughing when the rest of the guys agreed with me.

There was a total of four of us. Bobby, Jay, Simon D and myself. Together we made up our infamous gang of trouble makers. We were the most popular in the entire school due to our swagger and good looks. Of course I like to think I was King of the group.

"So word on the street is that we're getting a new chick" said Jay inserting in his fake girl in the rear mirror as Simon kept telling him to get out of his way because he was driving.

"Oh really?" I said slowly finishing off my weed and spraying more axe on me.

"Apparently she's a foreigner" continued Jay. "A black one"

We all paused at his words because we couldn't believe what he just said. It was rare for our school to recieve a new student but it was even more rare for the student to be a foreigner.  The fact she was black made me more excited.

I had never seen one in person before. I always wanted to meet one because on t.v they looked so cool. I was definitely attracted to black women because of their sexy curves and beautiful coco brown skin. I was tired of fucking these flat ass korean girls.

"I call dibs on her" I shouted causing everyone to groan aloud.

"Nah homie she's mine" whined Bobby like a damn two year old.

"Ya'll know I love chocolate so she's mine" commented Jay flashing his tacky ass grill at us.

Simon shook his head at us as he made a sharp left turn.

"She's going to take one look at ya'll shrimp dicks and laugh. Leave her to a real man" he finished pointing at himself and this caused an outburst.

"Ah hell naw nigga my dick ain't tiny"i said. "I measured myself I'm eight inches"

"Please more like eight mililiters" snickered Bobby and I kicked his shin.

"We all know that I'm packing" Jay said confidently giving his crotch area a pat.

I wrinkled my nose disgusted at the sight.

"Yeah right" I muttered crossing my arms.

"Oh please I'm black from the waist down" said Simon and he was lucky that we had arrived at the school because I didn't want us to get into an accident as I punched him.

"Let's go niggas I need to see my woman" I said referring to the new girl.

They all trailed behind me as I led them to the front entrance. There was a giant crowd of girls waiting for us and holding up signs that said I love you and shit.

"Oppas you look so good today!" One annoyingly shouted.

"Please fuck me oppa!"

"How do my boobs look oppa?" Asked one and flashed us her titties.

I had to admit they were nice and perky. I licked my lips as I chuckled shaking my head.

"Damn the thotness is being released" I said.

"Looks like we're getting a lot of pussy   I should have brought my life jacket so I don't drown" Jay said and I elbowed him in his stomach.

"Nigga you corny as fuck" I said ignoring his whimpers of pain. Someone then rudely bumped into me. I turned thinking it was Jay getting his pay back on me but who I saw definitely wasn't him.

It was the foreigner girl. The standard school uniform she wore was small on her. It did a great job of showing off her wide hips. Her chocolate skin contrasted well against the white making her look a bit etheral.

Her face was beautiful with very light make up. Her kinky hair was tied up in a high ponytail that showed off her high cheek bones. She brushed her large glasses up her nose and that's when I realized she was glaring at me.

"That word should not be coming out your mouth" she said firmly.

"Why?" I found myself asking and almost got a boner when she leaned closer to me granting me more access to her cleavage

"Because your not black"

"Yes I am" I stated matter of factly.

"Blackaboo please"

"What's a blackaboo?"

"You" she said and she stormed off leaving me to wonder what she meant by her comment.

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