the date

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  "Your five minutes late" stated CeJae in a pissy mood as she opened her door when I knocked on it. She gave me a quick glance at my appearance and I could tell that she liked what she saw by the small sparkle in her eyes. 

   I chuckled at her wondering if I should call her out that she was checking me out. But I figured against it because I she was already mad about my late arrival and I didn't want to anger her even more.

I lightly rubbed my sore fists and wished I haven't lost my temper on my friend.

"What happened to your hand?" asked CeJae and reached out to grab it with her soft palms. I was startled at how warm and comfortable it felt that I had almost forgotten what she just said.

"Nothing" I said nonchalantly and softly cursed myself when I saw I had a small bruise already forming on it.

"This is a bruise you idiot" she said pointing at it.

I rolled my eyes and yanked my hand away from her.

"Let's not start with the name calling ok? We're suppose to be on a date ao let's be nice to each other" I said linking my arms with hers and pulling her away against her well.

  I dragged her to my car and threw her into the passenger seat. She didn't appreciate and kept mean mugging as I hopped in on the driver seat. Ignoring her, I started up the car and we drove in silence for a couple of miles when she decided to speak.

"Where are we going?" she asked boredly but I could detect curiousness in her voice. I smiled wanting to laugh at her being all clueless.

"A place that is special to me" I answered.

"What? The porn shop" said CeJae seriously.

    I made a sharp left and it caused her to bump her head on the window.

   I glanced at her worriedly and I hoped that I didn't hurt her. When she rolled her eyes angerily I sighed in relief.

"You did that on purpose did you?" she spat and I could tell she wanted to beat the hell out of me. But if she did that then we will both get into a accident and probably die.

"Maybe" I remarked grinning when she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Asshole" she muttered not so quietly.

"Careful I might give you whip lash next"

     A half an hour passed before we finally arrived at our destination. It was an abandoned building that was eight stories high. I jumped out of the car and went to open CeJae's door. She hestistantly got out eying the place with fear and disgust.

"Your not going to kill me are you?" she questioned giving me a frightful and I laughed at how serious and ridiculous she was being.

"I might if you keep on talking" I joked and grabbed her hand.

  I guided us to the entrance of the building and up the flight of stairs. Inside it was darkness and dirty. The ceiling had holes and some mold growing on it. The stairs we were ascending upon was covered in ashes and peelings of paint.

"What happened here?" came CeJae's soft and pretty voice.

"A long time ago before my parents sent me off to live in America we used to live in this apartment building" I said sadly and wondered if I should continue with the story I'm about to reveal to her.

  She will look at me differently. I mean she already thinks I'm a racist (which I'm not) but if I told her what I done then she will think the absolute worst of me.

  Sighing, I started to speak again.

"One day when I came home from school I saw my dad beating my mom to death. Luckily my little brother wasn't home to witness it. I tried to help my mom by attacking my dad but he was a lot stronger than I was. So as a last resort I got desperate and set his ass on fire.

"He screamed in pain while running wildly around. He accidently set the curtains on fire and that's how it spreaded. I grabbed my injured mom to escape the apartment building. When I got outside and made sure she was safe I went back inside to help my neighbors. I ended up saving everyone but my dad who died burnt to a crisp. By the time the fire department came the whole building was ruined by the fire. They contacted the owner of the complex and we all had to move.

  My mom was scared. She said while she looked for a new place to live she was going to send me to watch over my grandparents in America. But I knew the real reason why she sent me away. She wanted time to process what happened and didn't want me to cloud her thoughts. She told me to never speak a word of this again and I haven't. At least until now." I finished and waited for Cejae to freak out what I just said.

  But what she said next completely caught me off guard.

"It's okay" and she hugged me as I cried loudly in the blades of her shoulders. 

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