part 1

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So this is going to be a story with long chapters because it helps me stay more committed with writing it. WARNING: It might not be too good so if you would be so kind to just waste a few of your precious seconds to comment what you think about this chapter after you read it so I know whether or not I'm wasting my time with writing this, it would be much appreciated. Anyways... with that being said, I hope you enjoy! 😁

-Courtney's POV-

I got at the smosh HQ at 10:00 this morning. I was running a bit late because I had to deal with Wahlid's needs.

He's really sick or at least he says he is. He seams just fine. All it is is just a sore throat and a runny nose. He's great and all but he really neads to learn how to deal with things like that.

When I got into the smosh office, Noah was holding a camera. I guess he was filming. He pointed it towards my direction.

Olivia: Courntey!!

She got up and ran to me. She hugged me and I hugged back with a huge smile on my face.

Noah: Did you hear the big news?

I looked at Noah confused. What news could they possibly be talking about. Is ass cheek valley finally a place?

Me: No, I didn't.

Shayne: Yeah. Uh, Me and you actually just got an audition for a movie.

Right when shayne said that, my eyes widened. I couldn't believe what he just said.

Me: There's no way. Are you serious?

Shayne: Haha. Yeah, I am.

I couldn't hold it in. I jumped up and down. I ran over to Shayne and hugged him tightly. He hugged back and smiled. I was so exited. I didn't know what got into me.

The camera was pointed at me and Shayne. Noah faced it towards himself.

Noah: So, for those of you who don't know what just happened-

Keith: Courtney and Shayne are ganna be famous!

Noah: Yes! That's exactly what happened.

Noah turned the camera to me still hugging shayne. I'm so excited I can't let go.

Keith: Okay guys! You know the rules.

I let go of shayne and looked at Keith. I gave him the "You're dead to me and yes, I do know the rule... and I have a boyfriend!" Kind of look. Not like it's a thing but I think I nailed it.

Shayne: Wow! You really made her mad.

Shayne said as he slapped his knee laughing. We all start laughing with him.

Olivia: I guess someone really liked the adventures of Batman and Robin video you and Shayne did.

Noah: I will admit, you guys did a damn good job on that one.

Shayne: Who is it anyways? Who.. noticed us?

Olivia: I'm pretty sure his name is Edward Kitsis. He's one of the producers for Once Upon a Time And Lost.

I couldn't believe It! I love Once Upon a Time! I looked at everyone in the room.

Me: Did you guys get an audition too?

Noah: No. We didn't.

Olivia: But that's okay!

Me: That sucks. I'm sorry guys!

After that, we started working on our new scrips for "What if teachers." I think this one will be fun. There's one that's "What if teachers were you therapist." I think that one is hilarious.

-Shayne's POV-

The time past and it was time to get lunch. We all grab our stuff and head to a fast food place right across from the smosh HQ.

Once we got there we all sat down at a table. I asked everyone what they wanted to eat so I could get it for them. I get up to go get the food. Courtney got up and walked by my side.

Courtney: So what do you think?

Me: About what?

Courtney: The auditions me and you got!

When she reminded me of that, it made me so excited.

Me: I honestly can't wait. I'm really happy about it.

Courtney: Same here. I cant believe It. But it really sucks that no one else got one.

Me: Yeah it does. But I guess we just make a good team, ha?

I nudged her arm with a smirk. She looked at me and smiled. She wraped her arms around my arm and put her head on my shoulder.

I felt so alive around Courtney. She does such a good job at making someone feel loved.

???: Can I take your order?

I guess we were next.

I told the person what we wanted and then got our reseat. We were number 27 so I guess we just had to wait back at our table until they call out our number.

We head back to the rest. I sit next to Keith and Noah. Courtney sits right across from me next to Olivia.

I see Olivia take out her phone to show Courtney something.

Right when Courtney looked at the screen, she looked away. She looked annoyed.

Olivia turned her phone to Keith and Noah, then I see Courtney looking at me with a small smirk on her face with little annoyance to go with it.

Then Olivia turned to phone to me. I saw that it was a picture of me and courtney while we were in line for the food.

Keith: Are you guys sure you know the rules at smosh?

Olivia: It's too cute!

They all start laughing historically. I look at Courtney. She looks like she needs to say something.

Courtney has a boyfriend. They know we aren't like that. We're just friends.

Courtney: Guys! Me and Shayne aren't like that! We are just friends and I have a boyfriend.

Keith: We're just playin Court Court.

Courtney: I know and I'm sorry. I guess I'm just over reacting. But you're not going to post that anywhere right? I don't want Wahlid seeing it.

Olivia: Of course not.

We hear our number. I get the food and then we start eating. All the sudden, I get a text. It's from Courtney.

Courtney: Hey Shayne. I hope you didn't take any of that personally. It's just the whole shartney (me and you) thing is getting to Wahlid. He knows about it and he doesnt like it. If he sees that picture, he would go crazy.

Shayne: No, it's fine. I knew that was the reason. I don't mind.

Courtney: Okay good because I felt so bad after I said what I did.

I looked back at Courtney feeling bad for her. I didn't want her to feel bad.

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