Why cant i hate you?

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Mark's POV


I slam my hand on my alarm clock, breaking it.

"Damn it.." I mutter.

I get out of bed and walk to my mirrior. I put in all my piercings and throw on my Fallout Boy T-shirt and my ripped black skinny jeans. I slip on my black beanie and red high tops. I grab my back and look at the clock. 6:55. Shit. I run down the stairs and grab my keys locking the door as I run out. I hop on my motorcycle and turn it on. I rev the engine and speed out of the parking lot. I speed down the street passing many cars and driving threw a red light. Many people curse at me as I ride by, but I just laugh. I pull into the school parking lot and park mine next to Ace's motorcycle. I hop off my bike and run into the school. I throw open the doors and all eyes are on me. Every stares at me. I walk past with my head up high. People cower as I walk by. I walk into my first class. Chemistry. Funny story. Once during an experiment I fried off my teachers eyebrows. Funniest story ever.

~Time skip to last class!~

Ace and I walk into the last class. The class with the man. We sat down at our usual seats. We began to talk.

"How long do you think till he quits?" Ace asks.

"Eh probably a few minutes." I laugh.

The bell rings and the class fills with students. All staying away from us. Ace and I chuckle at this. Its nice to be feared frome everyone. Then he walks in. Today he is wearing a white button up with brown overalls and I black bow tie. Weird outfit. I do have to admit he looks pretty cute....WAIT WHAT?!?

"Hello! My name is Sean William McLoughlin! But you can call my Jack! Now I will tell you a but about myself. I'm 20, I'm Irish, and I'm gay. Practicle info you guys should know." He said.

Everyone nodded. Except Ace and I.

"Now I've heard of two people who always make teachers quit. I am telling you I am not going to quit very easily." He said directing the attention to us.

"Sure thing Leprecuan." I sneered.

Ace giggled.

"Why dont you go back to the end of the rainbow where you belong!" She yelled.

I snickered.

"hm already trying to get me to leave huh? I a sure you nothing will go unpunishmemted." He said walking over to us.

"Mark you will have after school detention. And Ace you will have three packets to finish by Friday."

"What!?! Why does he have to do no work!" She yelled.

"I'm better obviously!" I sneered.

"Shut it or I'll snap your neck." She warned.

"Sureee." I rolled my eyes.

He handed me a pink slip and started to teach. Throghout the whole glass Ace and I made snarky comments and made fun of him trying to get to him. But it just wasn't working he wouldn't ecknowledge them. By then it was the end of the day and I stayed behind for my detention.

"Ok Mr. Fishbach please finish this." He said handing my a paper.

"Dont call me that." I muttered.

"Why not? What's wrong Fishbach?" He asks.

"Please dont." I knew I was gonna get a flashback.

"If you dont tell me an answer I can't stop Fishbach.".

Then it happens I got a flashback.


"P-ple-ease dad!" I screamed as he and my mother cornered me.

"Shut it Fishbach!" My mom screamed as she kicked me.

I grunted as tears flowed down my face. My dad grabbed me and pinned me on my back taking out his pocket knife. My eyes widened in fear.

"N-no-o p-plea-as-s-e!" I croaked out.

"WORTHLESS!" My dad screamed as he carved into my skin with his knife. Blood poured down my aides and back. As I lay on the ground unable to move and sobbing.

End of Flashback

I opened my eyes and reliezed I had my knees to my chest and I was sobbing. Jack had me in his lap rocking back in forth trying to calm me down. I jumped out of his lap and crawled to my bag. I opened it franticly as I felt another flashback coming. I dug threw my bag, throwing stuff out. I reached the bottom and saw my pills. I opened then franticly not wanting to go threw another one of those. I opened the bottle and shoved two in my mouth. The flashback dissapeared and I began to calm down. I wiped my tears away and looked up at Jack who sat there looking at something. I reliezed it was my pill bottle. I quickly grabbed it and threw it in my bag.

"M-mark you have PTSD?" He asked nervously.

"Yes! You happy now?!? Thats why you dont say that!" I yelled angrily.

"Do you have anything else..?" He asked.

"Why do you care! I'm not telling you!" I got up and grabbed my bag putting my stuff back into it.

"Mark I'm sorry!" He said.

"Cool whatever." I rolled my eyes as I zipped up my back pack.

I slung it over my shoulder and walks Doug the door to my bike. Great the new teacher already knows my secret.

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