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Jack's POV

Minx and I walked into the auditorium to find a sleeping Mark. I picked him up and sat him on my lap, stroking his hair lovingly.

"So you dont know what happened?" I asked again.

"Nope nothing, I knew you to were ;) so I came and got you." He giggled.

I chuckled with her. We didnt tell anyone but Minx is pretty good at reading people.

"Of course." I rolled my eyes playfully.

She giggled. I heard a yawn below me and I looked down. There sat a sleepy and confused Mark rubbing his eyes.


"Hi." I smiled and kisses his nose.

He blushed and looked away causing me and Minx to laugh.

"I hate you." He mumbled.

"You love me!" I grinned.

He huffed and crossed his arms.

"By the way didnt know you could sing!" Minx said.

He froze.

"Y-you heard that?" He said quietly

"Yeah your really good!" She stated.

"T-thanks I guess.."

"Why are you all beaten?" I asked.

"Ace." Was all he said.

I frowned. I hate her.

"It ok Markipoo!" Minx said happily.

Mark and I laughed.


Mark's POV

I walked down the street. It started to get dark so I started speed walking. Someone grabbed my wrist pulling me into an alley. I yelp and struggled against them. I managed the punch them in the face, only to get grabbed by two other people. I looked at the person I punched. Ace. My eyes widened as I continued to struggle.

"Let me go!" I growled.

Ace rubbed her nose as blood came out. She looked at me and smirked.

"Didnt expect you to punch me!"

She snapped her fingers and the people holding me forced me to the ground.

"Beat Him."

Was all she said as everything went dark.


I sat in that alleyway, only in my boxers and beaten. My knees curled into my chest, as I rocked back and forth. I was physically and sexually assaulted because Ace somehow figure out I was Gay. The pain in my ass was to much I couldnt get up. Everything hurt as I continued to stare at the ground in that alleyway. I picked up my pants, pulling out my phone. I went through my contacts. I got To jacks and hit call. He answered immediately.

"Hey Mark what's up?"

"P-please.." My voice was croaked, you could tell I was crying.

"Mark?!? Baby where are you?!?"

I started to silently cry. As I felt a flashback coming. I dropped the phone.


My hands were tied behind my back as the man above me pulled his pants down. I cried and squirmed trying to get away as Ace watched from the side, smilig evilly.

"P-please!" I cried out.

The man had his boxers and pants down. He grabbed my hair harshly causing me to yelp.

"Open." He growled.

I refused and clenched my mouth shut. He stomped on my member causing me to gasp. He used that time to shove his member in my mouth, causing me to gag. He fucked my face harshly, pulling my hair as I cried.

"Ahh baby your mouth feels so good.." He moaned.

I cried even more when I felt someone else take my boxers off. I squirmed around trying to get away. They entered me causing me to scream, but it was mffled by the mans cock in my mouth, thrusting into it. I shut my eyes and cried as I was fucked from both ends.

Flashback over

I opened my eyes and looked around again, my phone was on the ground and I picked it back up.


"I-im here.." I croaked out.

"Oh god, where are you?!?"

"I-in a-a all-ley.." I sniffled

"What? Why?!?"

I cried remembering what happened.

"I'm coming stay were you are!"

Jack hung up leaving me to cry to myself.

I heard footsteps come to a stop at the alley I was in.


I cried and I heard the footsteps run into the alleyway. I looked up to see Jack, Bob, Wade, and Minx all wide eyed. Jack knelt down and immediately pulled me into a hug. He stroked my hair as I cried into his chest.

"You dont think.." Minx said quietly.

"I think.." Bob answered back.


I sat in the hospital bed, knees to my chest, rocking back and forth. Jack sat in the chair next to me, tears threaten to fall. The doctor came in.

Jack's POV

The doctor came in and looked at Mark, rocking back and forth in symphony. He turned to me and sat down. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Hello I am Dr. Cournoyer." He said as he held his hand out to shake.

"Jack." I said as I shook his hand.

"So Mark has developed RTP, also known as Rape Trauma Syndrome."

I nodded. As tears fell. No one deserved this, especially not Mark.

"I suggest someone staying with him for a while." He suggested.

"Ok.." I looked the Mark.

Anything for my Markimoo.


Deep shit am I right? Also the book Mental I'm making is almost done and ready to come out!

Word count: 874

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