YOU ARE READING Drawn to Art {Art Book 3}// Completed Разное 06/29/17 - 30/10/18 My third art book! Wow! People like my art that much? Well, if you're new, Welcome! If you're from my last book, Welcome back! I do art, which I think is pretty okay. I hope y'all enjoy! #anime #art #artist #bad #colour #digital #digitalart #drawing #gay #pencil #random #stevenuniverse #trash #weird Dollhouse (wip) 28 6 0 by Sushicatz by Sushicatz Follow Share Опубликовать в Вашем профиле Поделиться по электронной почте Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Опубликовать в Вашем профиле Поделиться по электронной почте Жалоба на историю It's 1:30 am and I'm leaving for a road trip at 9 am what am I doing Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. they are all new characters.