Chapter Nine

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"So are we gonna talk about what happened and what it even meant?" Cole asks breaking the silence.

"Honestly Cole, I don't know." I sigh looking at the gravel on the road.

"Did you like what happened?" He asks looking over at me.

"Yes Cole I fucking loved it okay? Now change the subject." I say looking over at him.

"Fine geez" He grins

"I have a story if you wanna hear?" I quietly laugh.

"Sure go ahead."

"Well did you notice the tweet is gone?" I ask looking back to the gravel.

"Yes?" He questions

"Well, some hacker said they took it down for me." I smile looking back up.

"Some hacker hacked my brothers account and deleted the tweet?" He says as if he doesn't believe it.

"Yes Cole, I swear I even have the messages to prove it." I announce taking my phone out.

When I tried opening the messages it said the person had deleted their account. It was completely erased off of Twitter.

"You gonna show me or you gonna keep starring at your phone?" Cole asks jokingly.

"Their gone" I mumble


"Their Twitter is gone." I say confused scrolling threw my phone.

"It's okay I believe you." Cole smiles patting my back.

"No, but-"

"It's fine Y/N let's get you home." He suggests grabbing my hand.

The whole walk home I was completely out of it all I could think of was what happened to that Twitter account and who was it?

"Hello Y/N we're here." Cole interrupts my day dream.

"Huh-sorry-oh uh thank you." I stutter

"You can give me a hug Y/N I don't bite." He playfully rolls his eyes.

"Good night Cole." I say walking inside and closing the door leaving hug-less Cole outside.


"Y/N there's someone outside asking for you!!" Mother yelled from downstairs.

I practically jogged down the stairs thinking I was gonna see Cole till I swing open the door with a smile on my face slowly fading when I saw..

"Dylan?" I say with my fading smile.

"Hi" He quietly says digging his hands in his pocket.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" I stutter

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for that post I did on Twitter, but do you know who could've hacked my account and deleted it?" He frowns trying not to make eye contact.

"Look at me Dylan!" I grunt

"I'm-I'm sorry Y/N, for everything and not making an effort to our relationship, and the Twitter stuff. I don't know what more to say other then I'm truly sorry." He says looking up from the ground and into my eyes.

"I forgive you but, if you ever think about humiliating me like that ever again Dylan you'll get your fair share of karma, because it is a bitch." I grin slamming the door in his face.


That's awkward anyway what's  the future have in store for you an Cole and who's the hacker? Find out soon.

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