Day 9

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(y/n)'s POV

Kyoya is such a sweetheart. He slept in my bed last night and actually slept. I mean when my mum came in to check on us at about midnight, and woke me up, she smiled slightly. Mum wasn't happy that I had him in the same bed as me, nor was she happy he had his arms around me, but she was happy that we weren't... you know... naked or something more intimate. 

"(y/n) do you love this boy?" She asked me handing me some medication and a drink. I nod not wanting to wake Kyoya. He covered her mouth to hold back a squeal. "I'm happy for you darling. He's a nice boy" She walked up to me and whispered "and hes rich."

I don't care about his money. I just want him to love and care for me and that is what he does. My mum smiles and walks out,  and I feel something I shouldn't. Kyoya's eyes open groggily and he puts his hand down to his crotch. He had a wet dream. I look away from him and pretend to be asleep.

"I know you're not sleeping, don't worry you don't have to do anything." He walked out of the room looking very annoyed. I looked at the time. It was only 1 am. Kyoya must be tired, I am tired to. He was gone 10 minutes then came back and laid on me again.

"Did you sort it?" I asked. He nodded "Was it over me?"

He looked up at me.

"(y/n) its 1 am. I recommend you sleep now because I am going to and I don't want to be disturbed" he had a dark aura around him which terrified me. I nodded and he laid his head back down.

"So was it over me?" I said about 2 minutes later. He groaned and sighed.

"Yes. Is that what you want to hear. I was dreaming about being at school then I heard your voice and I'm not sharing the rest" he got off from on top of me and laid facing away from me. "Now goodnight!"

I looked at him and laid my arm over him, spooning him from behind. My eyes closed, but I wasn't sleeping. He rolled over and faced me in his sleep. I pecked his lips and Kyoya's eyes opened.

"Go. To. Sleep." He said. I shook my head and he pinned me. "Why not?"

"All I have done all day is sleep, I'm wide awake." I explained and looked at him as he straddled my waist.

"Well I haven't and I need sleep. Why are you so content of keeping me awake?"

"Because it's boring being on my own." I state. "Hey, are you staying here tomorrow even though it's friday?" I ask.

"If you don't let me sleep, no" he said and got off me.  He handed me a small light. "Read or something."

(Kyoya's Pov)

She took the small light and got out of bed to go find a book to read.  This meant that I could go back to sleep.  My eyes closed and I managed to get back into a light sleep, only for it to be interrupted by the bedroom light turning on. I glared at (y/n), she could tell I was annoyed. This better not be what it is like to live with her or we will have to sleep in seperate rooms when we are older and married.

"(y/n). Turn the light off" She did so out of fear. I laid back down and closed my eyes then the bed started to move as she was climbing back in. She managed to keep me awake most of that night

By 5 am she had fallen to sleep and I finally got a chance to rest, eventhough I needed to be up in an hour for school. I will talk to her tomorrow after school because I am really annoyed at her for keeping me up all night. At least I get to sleep now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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