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Saturday, April 6th 2019

Saturday, April 6th 2019

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"I'm sorry that Gemma can't be here today, petal

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"I'm sorry that Gemma can't be here today, petal." Nora waves Anne away.

"Don't worry about it, I know she's busy with work." In truth, she was certain that Gemma wasn't her biggest fan, and granted, Nora really hadn't made much of an effort because from day one, she got the vibes that Harry's beloved sister didn't approve of their relationship. Unfortunately, it was something that she would have to deal with and grow accustomed to. Nora's mindset was this: Harry was the love of her life, they had two incredibly beautiful children together and in a few short months, they'd be tying the knot, setting their life and future together in glorious stone. If she didn't like it, well, tough shit. That was her own problem. Nora certainly wasn't the kind of girl who was going to kiss someone's ass, especially if she knew they weren't a fan of hers. If Gemma miraculously started making an effort, so would she. In fact, she'd be very quick to do so, but until then she wasn't going to be going out of her way.

Early April in the city was still a bit chilly, it was in the upper sixties, so Rose and Pete were cozied up in their twin stroller, operated by Lara, while Anne and Nora walked on each side

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Early April in the city was still a bit chilly, it was in the upper sixties, so Rose and Pete were cozied up in their twin stroller, operated by Lara, while Anne and Nora walked on each side. Their first stop was brunch at Bobo's on West 10th Street, followed by dress shopping at Marchesa's main showroom. Nora had maintained a good relationship after modeling for them a few times, and she absolutely adored their designs. Their waitress smiled as she approached them, pen and notepad in hand.

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