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I formed a meeting in my house. We need to talk about Areum.

Every one was here except for Jimin and I know why. "Ok, so we all know that Areum is planning to kill Suzy right?" I told them. Taehyung and Yoongi gasp. "What! But why?" they both said. "I already heard" Hoseok told us.

"It's true, and that's why Jimin isn't here cause he's protecting Suzy" I told them. "Why wont we just kill her!" Taehyung yelled. "It's not that easy Taehyung, we already bombed her 'hide out' but she's still alive" Seokjin told Taehyung.

"I dont know what to do" I told them. "There is no way we can get ride of Areum"


Jungkook pov

I looked at all their worried faces. I know why Areum is still here, cause she wants me. She will go no where with out me. At this point she knows my every move.

I need to do something, it's up to my anyways.


Next day

I woke up early today and went to go see Areum. I needed to talk to her. When I got to her house there were body guards , they let me in and I seen Areum sitting at the table eating fruit.

"Areum.." I got her attention. She looked at me with widen eyes smiling. "JUNGKOOK OLLA I MISS YOU SO MUCH" she yelled getting up hugging me. I dont know why but I hugged her back. Before all of this Areum was a really good friend to me.

"Areum, this all needs to stop" I told her. "I'll do anything, just stop" she smirked. "Anything?" she asked.


Suzy pov

I placed my things on my table while Jimin was carrying my back pack. "I'm at school I dont think you need to follow me around" I told him sitting down. "What are you talking about? I have this class with you" he told me.

I smiled hearing his laugh.

I looked outside the window looking at the sun. Today is a good day.


Areum pov

I stomped down the stairs. "Meeting, now!" I yelled sitting at the table. Everyone came in. "I need you to Kidnap that girl Suzy, bring her to me and if anyone tries to get in your way kill them!" I told them. "I want you to attack her house at 9:30 sharp!" I told them .

They all nodded leaving me in the dining room. You know I would keep my promise with Jungkook. He told me to take him and leave Suzy alone. Why have one when you can have two?


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