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So I'm going to be putting some Radom phrases or sayings .
Hello can you help me?- hola , me puedes ayudar?
Hello, good morning ?-hola,buenos días. Or buenas tardes (good evening)or buenas noches (good night)
Hello my name is -hola ,me llamo -insert your name here-.
Bon appetite-buen provecho
Now some verbs , And A sentence with each of these  verbs.     Im going to be putting 4 verbs in each chapter , so that you understand well .
Run~ correr -Yo corro una marathon.(I run a marathon )
Swim ~Nadar. -Yo nado(I swim)
Speak~ hablar -Yo hablo con mi amigo.(i speak to my friend).
Write ~escribo. -Yo odio escribir (I hate writing ).
So now hat you have seen the verb , and the use of it in a complete sentence .
So now this sentence will be useful for you if you meet a Spanish talking person .
Let's  imagine yourself or your name as ** and the other persons name will be Rob.
So let's says you met rob while walking down the street and now are in a full conversation .
So you say to rob (Hola,me llamo -your name -)let's pretend rob say me name is rob .
So you say that you can talk Spanish very well but you're learning ( yo no puedo hablar bien español , pero estoy aprendiendo ).   Let's pretend rob said Oh cool.
So now the good byes .
Let's pretend you said - well I'm leaving now , nice to meet you rob .(Bueno ya me voy , in placer conocerte Rob)
Let's pretend rob said nice to meet you bye .
Idk why I made this conversation but I hope you find it useful .
Comment and vote .
Lots of love.
Bye (I'll upload on Friday ).or sooner who knows .

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