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Good bye(Adios)
Thank you(Gracias)
Thank you very much(Muchas gracias )
Hello my name is _(Hola,me llamó-insert your name here)
If they ask you (Como te llamas ) which is what's your name (you answer only with your name and if you want to know the personas name you say ( y tu como te llamas)
Now we'll learn about Goodnight,good morning,and good afternoon
Good nigth (buenas noches )
Good morning (buenos días )
Good afternoon (buenas tardes)
As you noticed every one starts with (buenos) because that is a respectful and correct manner and indirect way of saying I hope you have a good day , nigth or afternoon ..

Now the colors(Colores)
Red Rojo
Yellow Amarillo
Green Verde
Pink Rosado
Violet Violeta
Purple Morado
Brown Cafe
Orange naranja
Baby blue azul claro
Azul Azul
Deep blue Azul oscuro
So tell me if it's helping you , and please comment and vote ..

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