2- Jinyoung

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Jinyoung x You

You tossed and turned in bed that night, waking up suddenly to see it's 7 am. "The fu-" you exclaimed, you could have sworn it was 2 am like half an hour ago. Against your protesting body, you pushed the covers off and literally zombie walked into the bathroom where you probably fell asleep once more. Somehow you managed to take a shower and make yourself look presentable before you waddled over to the house facing yours.

Jinyoung opened the door for you in his apron, an aroma of French toast floating out with him as he smirked at you. "Slept well last night, 'princess'?" He asked laughing at the piercing death stare you gave him, hoping to bore a hole right through his face. You threw Jaebum's hoodie at him and rolled your eyes, pushing past him. "That smells delicious Jinyoung, where are-" you began before realising the others were probably still asleep and you should lower your voice.

You made your way into the kitchen, closely followed by Jinyoung who placed Jaebum's hoodie on the counter. "Awww, Eomma is cooking for her babies again~" You teased. He rolled his eyes "last time I checked I had a penis between my legs I would like to be referred to as a male thank you." You chuckled stealing one of the toasts to yourself, getting your hands slapped away by the spatula he was using. "I'm sorry Eomma" you laughed as he made a move as if he was gonna hit you.

"What's gotten into you, why are you in a bad mood this morning Mrs Jinyou-" but you didn't get to finish that is because suddenly you were pushed back against the counter, Jinyoung's face less than an inch from yours. "It's mister" he whispered literally against your lips, "want me to show you?" you swallowed thickly as he backed away slowly, a threatening look still in his eyes. You laughed and gave him a 'Boi what the fuck' look as he went back at his French toast as if nothing happened.

"I'll go wake the others up, what are they doing still asleep it's almost 9!" You exclaimed making your way up the stairs, also using that as an excuse to get away from Jinyoung. You weren't sweating because of him, it was because of the steam. Yes, it's a kitchen. Not him. The toast. You shook your head reaching the top of the stairs and being met with a sleepy Yugyeom rubbing his eyes. "Morning Yuri" he said before yawning. "Morning Yugi" you replied "Food is almost ready downstairs, I'll go wake the others up and be right with you."

H nodded and you made your way over to Jackson's room and, as expected, he was already up doing his morning routine. Honestly that boy's motivation inspired you. "Morning Jackie~" you chirped from his doorway. "Yuri! Come in" you went in back hugged him on the floor, kissing his neck from the side cause it was all you could reach. "Why are you always sweating when I'm around you, and why do you always have so much clothes on, I told you that's not how I envision it." "I promise you one day" he said before smirking. "Oh!" You responded. "Well then I'll see to it happening then gentleman" you tapped his shoulder before getting up. "See you downstairs in a second" you said smiling before exiting his room to the next one.

You walked into Jaebum and Youngjae's room, not expecting to see anything normal those boys are honestly the weirdest two when it comes to sleeping. Not much to your surprise you walked in the see Youngaj sleeping like an elephant and Jaebum, in his boxers, half on the floor, the covers in a tangle between the boys, his legs on Youngjae's stomach. You sighed walking over to Youngjae's side, attempting the impossible, to wake him up. After a while of poking and tapping and asking him, politely and not, to wake up, his eyes finally fluttered openand he moved slightly, causing Jaebum to jerk awake at the movement, falling fully on the floor.

You couldn't suppress a laugh as he got up confused as could be and smiled at him when he noticed you, smiling back. "Come on guys the others are waiting downstairs, get up get up get up" you said, mainly to Youngjae who had fallen asleep again. You genuinely contemplated waking him up with a kiss in that moment, but thought better of it. "i'm leaving both your asses here of you don't come with me now." You pointed an accusing finger at both of them before winking slightly at Jaebum on your way out. You met BamBam in the corridor, lively as ever and he hugged you happily before making his way downstairs, and Jackson was just getting out of his room.

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