4- Youngjae

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You x Youngjae

You woke up the next day with a face peppered with kisses, and you didn't even need to be awake to comprehend it was Jackson. You smiled and laughed, not even caring about your morning state, before pushing him off you as he started licking you like a dog. "Stop it puppy~ I need a shower, oh my goodness." You rubbed your eyes and procrastinated getting out of bed for a good while before Jackson pulled you up, carrying you swiftly into the bathroom, still laughing.

He left you there to take a shower first which you were thankful for, and on the way out stuck his hand out for a high five. "Come on pass me the relay~" you laughed yet again at him, you honestly loved this boy more than you could possibly express. After you stopped laughing you high fived him and went down to find Jinyoung cooking as usual and BamBam being the child he is refusing to give Eomma some peace.

Jinyoung was gonna hit him with the spatula, before BamBam scrambled out of the kitchen laughing, stopping by you for a while to laugh at Jinyoung before pecking your cheek as a greeting and going up the stairs once more, probably to wake Yugi up. You shrugged to nothingness and went in, back hugging Jinyoung before squeaking into his ear "Eomma~" earning yourself a shove, you laughed before going right back to hug him, refusing in your turn to let him cook in peace.

He simply shook his head before saying softly "it went from 'princess' to 'your Majesty' real fast I don't know how you did it" he said not looking at you as you jumped off him, Yugyeom suddenly walking into the kitchen. Rubbing his eyes, he smiled at you and you smiled back, blushing at ehat Jinyoung sais slightly before making your way out. Jinyoung just went back to his cooking, humming casually like the mom he was.

When Jinyoung called the others over for food, you simply slithered back into the kitchen, taking a seat next to Yugyeom "Guys, are you free today?" You asked them, "Yeah, today and tomorrow, then we have practice hardcore because we have a stage coming up soon," replied Jackson from across the table. "Oh, good, my break ends in a few days as well, I'm going to Morocco next week, quite excited." You received a couple of surprised looks as you hadn't told them previously that you had plans to travel soon. Jackson looked excited for a moment then he panicked slightly. "Wait, but... you will be here for our stage performance, right?" You smiled and nodded then gave him an offended look "psht, of course! Ask that to anybody buy not your #1 IGot7!" you answered. "Aw, we would have liked to come with you," said Mark pouting, Youngjae just looked dreamily at nothing and said "Morocco~ I hear the women are beautiful there." He laughed and looked down at BamBam who was agreeing with him enthusiastically.

You laughed and finished off your breakfast, thanking Jinyoung for the meal and receiving curt nod from him, before you went up to Jackson's room to get your phone. You lay down on the bed and checked on your social media. You saw one of your korean facebook friend's pictures in a bar, a karaoke bar, and you checked it out. It was in Seoul! Quite near as well, it seemed. You'd always wanted to go to one with the boys.

Excitement flared in you as you skipped down the stairs once more, stopping when you were met dead on with Jaebum who was going up the stairs, and you stopped him dead in his tracks as well. "Yo, do you know anything about the Zing Karaoke Bar somewhere around here? I just saw a picture of it and it looks legit." He was about to speak before you shut him up with your hand. "My serve. I'm going to book us tickets, you, all of you, get your shit ready, I'll be back in a bit." You kissed his cheek before dashing out, waving to Jinyoung who saw you leaving on the way out.


You went over the the boys again around 7:30, they looked pretty ready, and you all made your way to the bar on foot. You heard Mark and Jinyoung talking about the paying debacle for this outing, and heard them mentioning Jaebum. You just smirked knowingly at nothing.

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