3- Jackson

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Jackson x You

No later than half an hour later Jaebum came home followed closely by zyounjae in his step. Each were doing heir own thing in a corner of the house. After a while you excused yourself to go to the restroom and upon coming back Jackson and Mark had made it home as well.

You spent the rest of the day mucking around, not doing anything specific. Around 11 pm the boys starting going off to bed one by one, and in the end you were left alone with Jinyoung once more. You smiled and told him that you should probably get going now as well too, and with a peck on your cheek, he saw you to the door and you went straight home for a well deserved night sleep.


You woke up to some shuffling around in your room. You didn't quote register it at first but upon remembering you live alone you practically bolted upright, bed hair and all you looked around but before your brain could start working you were attacked by BamBam and Yugyeom tackling you on your bed. You laughed out of surprise but then pushed them both off throwing a pillow hard at both of them.

"Don't. Just don't." You rubbed your eyes sleepily, your body protesting against the harsh physical activity before the webbed gears in your mind started turning once more. You heard the boys laughing as you existed your room, wondering if you should lock them in as punishment but then decided to drop it.

You showered and got ready before going down to see the boys were in your kitchen just having the time. "Help yourselves." You simply said before flopping onto the couch and whining in complaint "why did you wake me up like that~ I wanna sleep~ you big meanies honestly." You closer your eyes and heard footsteps getting closer and saw Yugyeom come up to you and pick you up bridal style, before holding him around the neck for stability with a simple "oh" of surprise. You sighed and lent your head back "fine~" you leaned your head into his neck and let him carry you over to their house.

"Why are you so cute tho I mean, it's unnatural." You kissed his cheek for a while before you got down and opened the door. The boys were getting ready to go somewhere. "W-what-where are you going?" You asked confused, you were brought here for a reason, definitely not to spend another day with them out. "Where are we going, you ask?" Corrected you Mark, "you'll like this." He finished. You smiled, a little confused but trusted Mark in his statement.

You got in their car, Jaebum driving and Yugyeom in the aux cable seat (God help us all), and Jinyoung, Youngjae and Mark sat in the backseat and You, Jackson and BamBam took the open roof seat. People on the streets would probably be filing complaints at this gang of heathens.

As expected the ride consisted of a bunch of Hollywood songs, Yugyeom taking it upon himself to Chris Brown us all, and BamBam yelling at him to change the song, Jinyoung looking like he doesn't know what he's doing here amongst these animals, Mark watching his Overwatch videos with his headphones on and BamBam pissing him off every now and then, Youngjae looking annoyed that he can't practice his vocals and Jackson pretending to be your knight in shiny armour saving you from these psychopaths and you just kept playing along to it the entire ride, it was basically hilarious as usual in the tiny crammed car.

You finally got to your destination and gasped that they had done this for you. Jaebum walked up to you and handed you your entry ticket to the newest theme park in Seoul. You've wanted to go there for a good while, you absolutely loved amusement parks they were some of your favourite places and you couldn't ask for more than to spend a day there with these amazing boys. You immediately jumped on Jaebum hugging thanking him so much, kissing his cheek "you're probably the one who paid for this so thank you." You turned to the others "Thank you guys~" you said looking touched and opened your arm, inviting a group hug. Imagine a group hug of eight people, yes, people got squashed.

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