thirsty for a sprite

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"since you tried to hide it from me, I am thirsty, I wish for a sprite!


 "Junior is so annoying why does he have to bother me 24/7 i wish he could just leave me alone forever." Junior's dad dies.

"Junior you killed someone for a SPRITE I could of walked down stairs and got you a sprite, but know your to lazy!!!!!!!!!"

" I didn't kill someone because i'm lazy I did it because you tried to hide my button!!!!!"

"Now you're admitting that your killing people!"

"No, I'm killing people for stuff!"

"You kind of sound like a psycho-murderer."

"I'm not a psycho-murderer, look the reason why I don't care is because there is no proof that people are dying; maybe they put that to scare us and I am getting free wishes."

"Well what happens when one of us die, Junior!!!!"

"That is not going to happen guys I will prove it, I wish for an ice-cream truck!"wished Junior, then aloud noise started playing, so they went outside and the ice-truck Junior wished for was parking in his driveway. 


"It's everyday bro with that disney channel flow!" Jake Paul dies, thank god)

"You killed someone for an ice-cream truck, a flipping ice-cream truck Junior!"

"yeah Cody you're just jealous because I have unlimited ice-cream!"

"yeah Cody it's epic now we get free ice-cream forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"You can't even drive it Junior!"

"I don't need to drive it; I'M HAVING SUNDAES EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I don't approve on this Junior, it's just wrong!"

"Just calm down Cody and pick what ice-cream you want for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm not choosing a murdered ice-cream!"

"I'll pick what ice-cream you want!"

"What ice-cream is so good that you had to murder someone for it?"

"It describes you perfectly!"Junior gives him a snicker bar, but instead of  saying snicker on it, it said 'cranky.'


"Cody i got the wrong one here you go." gives him a snicker bar, but it said hot mess this time.

"Okay you got me, but seriously i want a sponge-bob lolly."

"What do you want Joseph?"

"I'll have a sponge-bob lolly too!"

"Okay 2 sponge-bobs coming right you go guys 2 sponge-bobs like you asked!"

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