Chapter 3: Side Job

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Danny drove me home, and we sat on my couch, as I told him what went down last night.

"--all I'm saying is finally because you have put that guy on hold for the longest." Danny said.

"Well I know I did, but I didn't mean to do 'that'." I waved my hand around, as I placed the other on my forehead.

"I don't see the big problem. Don't you like him now or something?" He asked.

"Uh kinda, maybe, no... Ugh I don't know I'm conflicted."

"About what? He's the only guy you're talking to."

"Yeah I know that but... there's more to it."

"Well tell, I have all day."

"It'll be better if you didn't know." I stood up to go to the kitchen, as Danny followed.

"Why?" He asked, sitting at the kitchen table as I looked in my fridge.

"Because I said so."

"Oh come on, I tell you everything. You can't tell your own best friend?" He sighed.

I looked at him blankly, and blinked a few times. I sat in the chair in front of him, and crossed my arms.

"You cannot tell anyone when I let you in on my little secret." I said sternly.

"I won't I promise." He nodded. I took a deep breath, and looked away.

"Are you sure--"

"Yes I'm sure, come on."

"Ok fine." I looked at him. "There is another guy... that I'm in love with." I began.

"That's it?"

"Hold on..." I sighed. "The guy is the joker..." I said, as Danny looked at me like I grew another head.

"Excuse me, what?"

"The joker is the man I never lost my love for... something happened and I never saw him again."

"Ok, but the joker? Like the purple and green, psycho killer--"

"Don't. Call him. That." I said, trying to keep my calm. Danny stared at me with shock.

"Are you on LSD? You're fucking crazy--" He asked, as I slammed my hands on the table. He flinched.

"I am not!"

"Obviously if you say you love that asshole! Do you know what you're doing!?"

"Call him another name, and I swear!" I gritted.

"What? Stop calling him the things he is?!" He retorted.

"Get out." I pointed towards the door.


"Get the fuck, out of my presence!" I said through gritted teeth.

Danny got up slowly, and never lost eye contact. I stared him down, until he finally left me to myself; closing the door behind him.

I stayed put in my chair, as I held my head in my palms.

"I'm not crazy..." I said to myself. You're not crazy, you're insane, my inner voice said.

Time skip to night...

I put on a short dress, and put on my lipstick as I looked in the vanity. My hair was done, and so was my makeup.

Tonight was the night I go to the local club to get a side job. I needed another job for more pay. Since Arkham Asylum has been bringing more phycologists into the field, my paycheck has been looking a little dry.

I got up from my seat, and grabbed my things; heading to the club.

I got there a few minutes later, and parked my car outside. I walked up to the entrance, as the smell of weed, and alcohol filled my nose. I reminded me of J's club. I looked around and saw strippers on one side, and the bar and dancefloor on the other.

I moved through the crowd, towards the back, to apply for a job. I saw a door that said 'manager', so I went over to it, and opened the door. I walked in slowly, as a man sat at a desk; filling out papers.

"May I help you?" The man looked up, from the papers.

"Um, yeah. I'm looking for a job here." I said.

"Oh, ok. Well come in, have a seat." He motioned to the chair in front of him. I sat down, and have a smile.

"I'll have you as a exotic dancer... you have quite the body." He looked at my breasts as I felt disgusted. I cleared my throat.

"Ok then..." I said, looking away.

"When can ya start?" He smiled.


"Great, then you'll begin first thing tomorrow." He smiled, as he stuck his hand out. I grabbed his hand, as I put on a fake smile.

"Thank you Mr..."

"Frankie Karalis." He smiled.

"Mr. Karalis." I repeated, as I broke the handshake. "Well, thank you very much."

"No problem." He winked. "You'll love it here..." He gave a weird smile. I looked away, and nodded nervously. I walked away, and weaved my way through the club goers again.

I walked out to my car, and got in. My car wouldn't start so I hit the steering wheel angrily. I got out the car, and huffed.

I sat on the curb, until I heard someone yelling.

"Hey!" I looked over, and saw a shadow. "Need a lift?" The man said, as I stood up.

"Who are you?" I shouted.

"Alexander." The man said, coming out the shadows. He was quite tall, and he wore a regular T-shirt with jeans.

I thought for a minute, then looked around to see if it was just us on the street.

"Yeah..." I said, a little unsure. With my skills, I'm sure I'll be fine if something does happen.


Next chapter coming soon!

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