Chapter 4: Luther

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I was sitting in the passengers seat of Alexander's car, as he drove down the gray streets. There wasn't much speaking going on, but I didn't mind the silence.

I told him to drive me back home, since obviously, I couldn't do it myself. But I found myself looking at a rather very large house that didn't look like mine. It honestly was a fancy mansion.

Alexander stopped the car, looked over at me, and began to speak.

"I hope you don't mind the little stop, I need to do something." He said, as I just looked and nodded slowly.

"Ok..." I said, as he got out the car. Alexander began to walk up the driveway, until he turned around to see me.

"Come on! You don't have to sit in the car the whole time." He said. I slowly got out the car, and he smiled. Walking beside him, I looked around and saw alot of land. Eventually, we got to the door and led me inside the large mansion.

It was nice, but I've seen better. It was like any other mansion. You know the standard chandelier, double stairs, royal looking carpeting... the usual.

"Welcome to my humble abode, please sit down." He said, waving his hand towards the chair. I sat down reluctantly.

"I'll be right back." Alexander left the room. I decided that the art on the wall was kind of interesting, so I stood up looked around.

I observed this large painting of a man who was wearing expensive clothing, and had a bald head. I 'hmm-ed' to myself, and walked to the painting in the other side of the room.

This painting had angels on the top half and demons on the bottom. I continued to observe until I heard a voice.

"Beautiful isn't it? I got it a while ago." Alexander stood next me, looking up at the painting.

"Yeah, it's nice. Very intricate." I nodded. He leaned on the desk that was under the painting, and faced me. I decided he was a little close, so I moved a back a little.

"That painting over there is my father, Alexander Luthor. I'm guessing you were looking at it before." He said, as I looked behind me then back at him.

"Wait... Luthor? Like Lex Luthor?"

"Indeed, that is my father. I took on all the family jewels so to speak when he died, since I am his son."

"So, you're the Jr."

"I am the Jr." He repeated, smiling. "Kinda hard, trying to live up to my dad's legacy..." He said, as I just stood there.

"He tried to kill Superman... Did he die trying?" I asked.

"Oh nononono." He said quickly. "My father died of complications. He would've never died from the hands of a man like him." He said, a little disgusted.

"Just asking..."

"I know, but I like to set things straight." Alexander said with a smirk. I went to go sit back down in the chair.

"Well anyways, getting back to the legacy... You're trying to kill Superman as your father tried, hoping you succeed?" I asked. He took a moment to think, then crossed his arms.

"Yeah, you can say that. But the real difference is that I'm not going to try to do this alone."

"Then who are you going to do it with?"

"A person who might be interested in getting back in the villaining business." I stayed silent, thinking that maybe he was talking about me, until I realized that he probably didn't even know who I was before.

"Well, I do hope you find that person, really." I said, standing up. "But if you don't mind, I'd love if you would take me back home like you said you would."

"Aww, come on. Leaving so fast, Kira?" He said, and I felt my body tense up. I looked at him, and my eyes grew wide.


"Oh yes, I know you. We know you, Gotham I mean. Your capabilities. Your personality. And if they don't know, then I surely do." He said.

"That's not me anymore."

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? Yes you can abandon something for a while, but it's still in your soul." He said, as he took out a Jolly Rancher. "Want one?"

"I didn't abandon anything. It wasn't my choice." I said. "And no." He shrugged.

"Well, choice or not, I believe you still have it in you. Come on, why let all that you've worked for go?"

"It's been years since I even shot a bullet."

"It's like riding a bike. You never forget. Once the sweet, sweet smell of gunpowder hit your nose, you'll be back to your old self."

"That girl will never be back. She's gone, dead."

"Well, resurrect that girl, because I have a offer." I just stared at him.

"I need help, with this whole Superman situation. Ever since you and your clown boyfriend killed Batman, Superman thinks he can just fly down and run the city. Now I'm not saying I think Batman ran it either, but I liked it better with the so called Dark Knight out and about."

"I love the double meaning... The painting I mean. Flip it upside down, hell becomes heaven. Reverse that, and heaven becomes hell. Kind of goes with how things are in Gotham... Hell is closer then people think. You know with Superman flying around 'trying' to be a hero and all."

"Point is, I will help you, only if you help me. I've noticed that Joker haven't been in the news lately, I don't know where he's gone, could be dead for all I know. But you, I know, would love to find out where he is. Rekindle your once lost relationship." I listened, and took a breath.

"I can also upgrade your previous weapons, and even create a better suit for you to help me rid this god that doesn't belong on our side of the Galaxy. Only if you say a few little, tinsy, winsy words... It's a deal."

I thought to myself, and sighed. Should I do this? I don't even know if this would work. But I want to know where J is, and Alexander says he'll help me do so if I help him with Superman. God, I don't know what to do.

I took another breath, and decided to stand up and walk over to him. I didn't say anything for a bit, until I decided to speak.

"You better keep your end of the bargain."

"Oh, and I will. It'll be a pleasure to work with you." He smiled. I kept my eyes on him.

"It's a deal."


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