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"So," Mikey's voice snapped Lucy out of her daze.

"How's your dad?"

He expected Lucy to stiffen, or even start crying, but the girl only smiled sadly. "He passed a little over three months ago." She looked at Mikey, and noted how his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice becoming small as he thought about the girl sitting in the passengers seat of his car. She had been gone for seven months. Seven months. He was supposed to be mad at her for leaving, for just ignoring his calls and texts, but he couldn't bring himself to hate her.

He thought about how much she had changed since he last saw her. She used to radiate such happiness and she always had a bright smile on her face, but now her smile was dulled and there were small bags underneath her eyes. You could obviously tell she was still grieving.

"Its not your fault." She whispered, swallowing thickly. Mikey sent her a small smile and reached one had to grab hers, and the girl let him. They rode home in a comfortable silence, and Lucy felt her body relax as she clung to Miley's hand.

God, she had missed him.

-two hours later-

As Mikey pulled into her apartment complex, Lucy felt her heartbeat quicken in fear. How would Macy react?

She had heard from Mikey how everyone was doing, and the news was saddening for the girl.

"Are you ready?" Mikey asked her, snapping her out of her worried thoughts. Lucy nodded slightly and opened her car door.

"How much you wanna bet she's gonna hit me?" Lucy joked, sending a sly smirk, and Mikey was taken aback for a moment. It was the first time in seven months that he had seen her act in a joking manner, and it made his face light up.

"I wouldn't bet on it, honestly. I already know she's going to." He responded as they walked up the stairs.

"Too bad she hits like a bitch." Lucy giggled, and Mikey almost tripped down the stairs. Hearing her laugh made Mikey want to grab her and kiss her, and he didn't know why.

"Don't let her catch you saying that."

Moments later, they found themselves at Lucy's old apartment. Raising her small knuckles, Lucy knocked twice and waited for the door to open.

Lucy inwardly thanked God that there was no 'peephole' on the door.

The door opened slowly, revealing a disoriented brunette. Her hair was messily in a bun, and her greasy roots were evident. Smudged makeup decorated her face, and the girl rubbed her eyes as she adjusted to the scene in front of her.

As she turned to look at Lucy, her hand stopped moving on her face. The girl just stood there, with a baggy jersey and sweatpants, and an emotionless face.

In all honesty, Lucy expected Macy to slap her. But she didn't expect her to punch her.

The sound of knuckles on bone was heard as Lucy was sent stumbling back slightly, and Mikey rushed to her side.

"You alright?" He asked, and Lucy only shrugged him off. "I'm fine." She straightened her posture, ignoring her aching jaw. She had been in fights before, and had been hit harder, but Lucy had to give it to Macy; that girl had a mean right hook.

As quick as she had punched the girl, Macy leapt into the blonde's arms and sobbed into her shoulder. Lucy's eyes filled with tears as she hugged her best friend back.

"You bipolar bitch." Lucy joked as she squeezed her friend, and she felt her laugh.

"What can I say? You haven't been here to keep me under control." Macy instantly tensed up at her own words, and Lucy only smiled. So she played into the joke.

"Macy, quit being such a pussy. I can take a few insults. It's not like my self confidence has deteriorated in nine months."

Macy smiled sadly as she escaped the hug. She held her friend's hand as she spoke. "Has it really been nine months?"

Mikey watched the entire scene unfold, and he reminded himself to never get on Macy's bad side.

"I'm sorry I just left." Lucy stated, but Macy shushed her.

"I wouldn't have forgiven you if you had stayed away any longer. But we're even now, because I punched you in the face." Macy laughed, and Lucy joined in, sending a look of happiness towards Mikey.

"I heard about you and Ademir." Lucy touched her friend's arm, and Macy let her comfort her. The brunette sighed.

"Yeah, we ended about a month ago. Things between us got a little heated; we would argue about a lot. Small stuff, at first, but then it escalated to screaming at each other almost every night because of how different things were since you had left."

Lucy's heart plummeted as she listened to the girl in front of her. It was all her fault; Macy's relationship had come to a drastic halt because she left.

"Fuck," Lucy muttered, rubbing her face with her hands. "I'm so sorry."

Macy smiled sadly. "It was for the best."

Mikey cleared his throat. "Sorry to interrupt this little emotional scene, but Jake texted me asking where I'm at. Do you wanna go see him today, or wait?"

Lucy rolled her eyes but smiled at him anyway. "Will you pick us up later tonight? We can go to Seaside for a surprise reunion, or whatever you call it."

Mikey smiled, and nodded. "Catch you guys later. By the way, Its so good to see you smile again, Lucy." With that, he jogged down the stairs and started his M4 before driving away.

"Alright, Macy, we need to work on you. You look like you just got hit by a truck."





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