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Kali's POV-

After a bit Anya said we were leaving. I grab my swords and we set out, we stopped at a path,

"Stay safe Kali." She says hugging me, 

"You too Anya." I walk away, as Lincoln joins me,

"I think something is going down at the camp between Bellamy and Murphy." Lincoln says. We start running towards camp. Once we reach it I see the front gate is closed,

"Someone's at the front gate!" They yell. I waste no time on climbing the gate, when i reach the top I jump down landing on my feet, 

"Kali?" Everyone questions, 

"Bell no!" Octavia yells, I see him walking into the drop ship. I sprint over, the door is almost closed. I climb the drop ship and jump into just as the door closes. I hide behind the curtains. Murphy starts ordering Bellamy to do something with the seat belts. he starts tying a loop with the belts, 

"That's good." Murphy snaps, Bellamy drops the belts, 

"Come on Murphy isn't there another way to solve this?" Murphy shoots the gun, but Bellamy doesn't fall, 

"Bellamy? Are you okay?" Octavia says, she's outside though. I peak out of the curtains and see Murphy holding a radio, 

"I'm fine. Just a misfire. Now everyone get back to work." He demands,

"Okay that's long enough." Murphy says rubbing his nose, "Tie those two ends together." He demands. Bellamy continues to do what Murphy says, until I realize what he's doing. He's going to make Bellamy hang himself. They continue bickering, Bellamy apologizes for his actions but that's not enough for Murphy, it will never be enough.


It's been a few minutes, neither of them know I'm here, and that's okay. Bellamy has a plan, I can hear Raven's voice under the floor, but Murphy hasn't, that's also good. 

"Put it over your head." Murphy demands,

"You happy now?" Bellamy snaps, 

"What did you think you were going to come in here and turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me, that one of your friends was going to save you?" While he was facing Bellamy, I look around trying to find something to get Bellamy's attention, and not Murphy's.

"You know, I hand it to you Bellamy. Everyone almost looks up to you as much as they look up to Kali." Bellamy huffs at my name, "Yeah, well, we know the truth, don't we?" Murphy snaps, "You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked that box from underneath me." 

"I should have stopped them." Bellamy sighs,

"Yeah well it's too late for that." I hear Raven kick Jasper out from underneath. They're trying to open the door,

"You think they're going to let you walk out of here?" Bellamy snaps,

"Well, I think the princess is dead, the queen is surely dead by now, and now the king is about to die. Your queen, Kali. She's just like very other queen, only fights for herself. God I wonder how pissed she'd be." As he continues to talk I walk up behind him and forcefully hold one of my swords up to his neck pushing somewhat hard,

"You pissed off the wrong queen." I snap looking at Bellamy, a smile appears of his face and I can't help but smirk, our eyes meet and it's like he was looking into my soul. I was fighting every urge to walk up and hug him. All I wanted was to be in his arms, I mean I wouldn't know how it would feel. But it seems it would be nice, comforting something that can ease my nerves. I look back at Murphy, 

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