Chapter 3

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Sean's POV
"What the hell do you mean it's my kid!" I shouted
" It's your kid don't you remember what happened. I mean you were the one who wanted to do it" Jhené snapped.
Ariana and I had a major fight tonight. So I'm at the club right now to get away from her. Sometimes she can be so selfish and I'm over it.
*few hours later*
I'm so drunk right know, that I can barely stand up. I can't go home like this and my boys are out of town. Leaving me to call Jhené. A few minutes later I see her walking in. And boy was she looking sexy as hell.
" Sean let's go, now" she snapped.
"Damn all right. You don't have to be so bitchy about it" I slurred.
" If Ariana finds out that you went to club and got drunk and finds out that you came home with me, we'll both be screwed, so get your ass up and let's go!" She yelled. The next morning I woke up naked and next to Jhené.
"Damn it, Ariana's gonna kill me. Look Jhene I can't have a kid with you" I said.
" Are you asking me to get an abortion? Look nigga, I'm not killing a child so that your wife isn't pissed at you. Maybe if you had used a condom and didn't get drunk as a skunk then we would be in this mess in the first place!" She yelled.
"First of all, keep your voice down, I don't want Ariana to her us and Second, I wasn't asking you to get an abor-" I stopped short cause I heard sniffles . And it wasn't coming from Jhené. I turned around and saw Ariana crying. I went to walk up to her but she stepped back.
" I can't believe you " she said quietly
"Baby, I was an idiot and it meant nothing at all. Your the one, I would do anything to hurt you" I said
" Then why would you do it. You know I hate it when you get drunk, but you did it anyways. Then you go and get this bitch knocked up, when we are the ones who are married to each other" she snapped. The room went quite for a little bit.
"I'm gonna go, call me" Jhené said as she inched towards the door. Ariana when up stairs and locked the door. Then there was me, the idiot who might lose his wife.
Ariana's POV
I'm so livid right now. Sean is supposed to be my husband, but he sure as hell isn't acting like it. I grab by suitcase from the top shelf and started packing some clothes. I'm going to stay with my mom for a little while until Sean can get his shit together and figure out what he his doing with his other baby mama situation. I grab the hospital bag just in case I end up going into labor early. I can barely comprehend what the hell is happening. All I can think about is if getting back together and getting married was a good thing. And I have never had these thoughts until now. Breaking me out of my thoughts, I hear Sean calling my name.
" Ariana please come out" his voice cracked. I opened the door.
" What" I said. He looked at the suitcase in my hand then looked back at me.
"Where are you going?" He asked
" Somewhere where your not" I snapped. He grabbed my arm to stop me, but I pulled back.
" I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm and idiot. Can we please talk" he pleaded.
"Your always sorry! And it never seems like you mean it. MAYBE IF YOU WOULD STOP FUCKING UP EVERYTHING, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE SORRY ALL THE DAMN TIME!" I yelled
"Can you please calm down, this isn't good for the baby" he quietly said.
" If you hadn't done what you had done I wouldn't need to calm down" I said and walked down the stairs.
" Ariana please" he said.
"No, I don't want be stressed anymore. Get your shit together" I said then walked out the door.
What did I do?
Well there goes that. I hope u guys enjoy that.
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See ya 💕

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