~20: A/N~

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(You'll understand the picture when you finish reading this)

Okay so, there's been a big gap between chapters now, and I would be more than happy to update RN, but I'm at the beach. (I was forced to 😭) So I'll update when I get home! If I last all week. ;u; I'm at this condo with no wifi, TV, or access to a computer. Pure Hell. And yeah, it may be a bit easier to write on mobile while I have the wifi to even post this, I don't have any ideas at the moment either.. 😂 So I'm stuck playing Tuber Simulator and Pewdiepie: Legend Of The Brofist. (the photo) I absolutely died when I saw Jack and squealed "I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE USED MARK! I SHIP IT!!!!!" I'm insane, Ik. But yeah, I'll update when I get home lassies.~ I'll have mini A/Ns to check in every now and then... But Ye I'll see you then!~~~

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