Character Descriptions

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Ellie Jefferson: //This character is by no means based on me, I just like the name Ellie which happens to be my own name lol :) //

full name: EllieMae Lincoln-Stacey Jefferson

Nicknames: 'The Girl with her head in the clouds', 'Jeffy'-Only by close friends, 'Ellie', 'Els'-Only by close friends

Patronus: Thestral

Wand: Holly Wood, Phoenix Feather, 10", Surprisingly Swishy Flexibilty

House: Ravenclaw

Main Friends: Weasley Family, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Celine Rowson, Tym (pronounced Tim) Inclone, Felicity Baxter, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson

Enemies: Tends not to have any, not fond of bullies basically.

Talents/Strong subjects: Can communicate with animals and magical creatures; Making care of magical creatures her strongest subject along with potions and transfiguration.

Boggart: Her Friends/Loved ones being dead

Blood Status: Who knows ;)

Fun Facts: Tells people her favourite colour is Grey when its really yellow, keeps her home life a secret, despite being a very open person, unfortunately found the habit of smoking, terrified of moths but loves all other animals, can communicate through sign-language, spends a lot of her time with the ghost of Ravenclaw tower and the ghost of the girls bathroom, Moaning Myrtle.

How others would probably describe them, from a standard pupil: "That girl always has her head somewhere else, she speaks funny and has a weird outlook on life. Everybody loves her though, even though no-one knows where she comes from, she has the best sense of humour and is rarely seen with a frown on her face, she' very kind and is always willing to help people out."

Appearance: (My idea of her appearance, however you can imagine her how you like)

5"6, long brown hair, pale complexion, bright green eyes, tidy looking and well kept, tends to not wear much makeup, but it varies.

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Celine Rowson:

Full name: Celine Staffie Rowson

Nicknames: 'Ceecee'- Only by close friends

Patronus: Brown owl

Wand: Aspen Wood, Dragon-Heart string, 11", un-yeilding

House: Ravenclaw

Boggart: Banshee

Any other info: Has been Ellie's bestfriend for aslong as they can remember, are more like sisters. Is rather loud and also popular, tends to bring out Ellie's more 'out-going side', whilst being really patient with Ellie when she struggles.

Blood status: Pure-blood but couldn't care less

Appearance: Long, white silver hair, 5"4, ivory skintone, has many freckles

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Tym Inclone:

Full name: Tym (Tymothie) Rowland Jaxon Hughwitt Inclone

Nicknames: Doesn't have any in particular.

Patronus: Eagle

Wand: Cedar Wood, 10", Phoenix feather, Un-yeilding

House: Ravenclaw

Boggart: Clown

Any other info: Best known for his amazing transfiguration work, extremely loyal friend, is usually quite, but BOI he doesn't take shit, rather blunt and reliable when it comes to the truth, been friends with Ellie and Celine and their group since his second year, very kind character and rather shy.

Blood Status: Muggle-born

Appearance: Brown, curly hair (kinda like danny's from grease), very handsome, 5"11, dark brown eyes, tan skin tone.

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Felicity Baxter:

Full Name: Felicity Grey-Jones-Baxter

Nicknames: Doesnt really have any in particular

Patronus: used to be a fox , after the loss of her brother it became a erumpent, which was her brothers patronus when he was alive.

Wand: Dogwood, Unicorn hair, 11", Surprisingly swishy flexibility

House: Hufflepuff

Boggart: Brothers ghost

Any other info: Felicity is known as ridiculously loud, cheery and up-beat, always joking and smiling (when she isn't eating or in detention), and brings a spark amongst her group of friends, but tends to not socialise amongst others fully, staying with the ravenclaws, and doesn't care for the rules, haunted by her brothers death, she had a change of attitude and always makes the most of life, insanely loyal but often rude to people, has a love-hate relationship with teachers, very good friends with Peeves the Poltergeist as he actually listens to her.

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Appearance: 5"2, long jet black hair, tan skin, usually un-kept, not caring for her appearance much, can usually be seen eating some kind of food.

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