*Chapter Two*

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Ellie found herself arriving at Hogwarts rather quickly, after having brief discussions with the Gryffindor trio, and her own group of friends, time seemed to have passed drastically before she found herself in the great hall, as the annual sorting came to end with a round of applause. Before the headmaster stood up introducing the new professor of the year, and explaining how Hogwarts would be joined with the presence of Dementors, and how all pupils should be warned that the creatures aren't the forgiving kind. As his speech came to an end, Dumbledore placed the magnificent feast in front the four houses as he watched the pupils place no hesitation before eating away.

More or less the entirety of the school, including the teachers had become accustom to Ellie's impulsive and parculiar behaviour, which led to it never being questioned, which made Ellie very happy as she felt somewhat accepted, which she had never felt at home, once she was accepted at Hogwarts her mother disowned her as she was a muggle, without knowing who her father was or where he was, this left Ellie to move in with Celine. So when the pupils and teachers acted kindly towards Ellie, it always made herself very happy to know they were more respectful and understanding, even though Ellie wouldn't show her appreciation.

Ellie found herself day dreaming, drowing in her own thoughts, becoming severely agitated, she found herself having to move or occupy herself as she would grow very mentally aggravated if she didn't express her thoughts, she decided on standing up and lightly walking over to the professor's dinner table, without even questioning her actions, this caught the attention of some first years, but no other pupils seemed to question it, nor pay attention, which had a domino affect amongst those who seemed interested, as they quickly returned to their dinners and previous conversations, although the Weasley twins seemed to stare at Ellie for longer than they normally would.

"Good evening professor Dumbledore" Ellie spoke in her usual whimsical manor as she stood before the headmaster of the school, as he smiled warmly down to the mis-understood, interesting girl before him.

"Ah Miss Jefferson, How are you? Anything particular on your mind?" The kind Professor responded as the other professors began to pay attention towards the young girl, all the teachers seemed to share the same fascination towards the child, including Professor Snape who had the reputation of being horrible to his students. However, he always seemed to act kindly towards Ellie due to the fact he genuinely understood that she could not help herself, nor understood what she was doing herself half the time, despite the fact she was very intelligent and powerful, Ellie seemed to lack social skills rather than academic intelligence.

"There are many things on my mind Professor, but two things in particular, can I share them with you? I would confide with my friends, but I figured these particular topics wouldn't interest them in the slightest, so it wouldn't make sense to discuss these matters with them, although not making sense has never stopped me before, so I guess that does make sense, Doesn't it?" Ellie asked, whilst her eyes danced around the rook surrounding her, she always liked to spot new things around the great hall that weren't there the previous year, it often kept her somewhat focused, as she always struggled to contain her thoughts at the best of time.

"Ofcourse, you're always welcome to share, I always find what you have to say rather interesting, Miss Jefferson. Now what is it you would like to share?" Ellie heard Professor Dumbledore say, which suddenly snapped her out of the trance she had seemed to fall into, before smiling.

"First of all I wanted to welcome the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, so Hello Mr. Lupin, I hope you've had a wonderful day so far, I myself fell over on the train, so I can only hope you haven't fallen over yourself today. However if you have, then don't fret, nor be embarrassed, because I have also fallen over, in front of boys no less." Ellie Smiled, as she briefly made eye contact with the new Professor, before returning her gaze back to the headmaster, before Professor Lupin had the chance to respond.

"But also Professor, I wondered if the Library would have any books on the paintings in this school, and who painted them? And why they decided to paint them, and how long they took? More importantly on how they move, and communicate, I would ask the painting's themselves, but I can never stand still long enough for the paintings to answer, they tend to give up when I change the topic and I fear of angering them, because I would hate to make them sad, but that's another question, Can they feel emotion? I would ask the Lady in the Library, but I'm not sure if she likes me very much ever since i broke that chair in my first year from falling over, I tend to fall over a lot now that I think about it, maybe my legs don't work?" Ellie Rambled whilst staring at the enchanted ceiling above her, almost forgetting she was infront of many professors, as she began to ask more and more questions, talking in circles, this didn't seem to faze the headmaster though, as he kept the same smile and patiently waited for the girl to make the points she wished to make before responding to her.

"Ah the paintings, what a wonderful topic, most pupils don't question them, when infact, they're rather fascinating. I myself have a portrait in my office, whom I know would enjoy communicating with you, I shall send you a notice of when to stop by, he would be more than patient with your questions, If you wish of course, I believe having a discussion might be easier than reading from a book, If thats correct Dear?"

"That sounds splendid professor, I look forward to it, I also wonder if you collect chocolate frog cards by any chance? Felicity was rather angry about getting another Salaz..." Ellie began once again whilst a few professors lightly chuckled at the girl, before Celine once again appeared besides Ellie.

"Ellie, I know you have a lot of things you would like answered, but how about you write them down? That way you can always come back them later? Why don't you come back to dinner? Tym wants to talk about Potions and you're a lot better at discussing smart people stuff than I am." Celine suggested, whilst smiling over at the professors with a slight shake of her head, she was more than used to prying Ellie away from the professors table during dinners, as Ellie always seemed to have new topics to discuss.

"Oh okay, I hate to inform you, but my hand would most likely fall off i wrote down my questions, I simply don't have the time, but thankyou for the suggestion CeeCee, I wonder whether Fred Weasley and George Weasley have cheered Tym up yet, if not I shall get Felicity to bite both of their fingers off..." Ellie trailed off, literally leaving Celine behind as she watched Ellie make her way to Tym before analysing a carrot which layed on her plate. Celine laughed aloud whilst turning back to the professors.

"Good Godric that girl has a very peculiar brain, I wonder how she manages with it all, I've been trying to help her rail it in over the summer, she is trying, but I think if she keeps all her questions and wonders to herself for too long then her brain begins to fry." Celine giggled to the professors in front of her before following her best friend back to the table, leaving the professors slightly dazed, but ready to go back to their meals once more.

Professor Dumbledore was ready to go back to eating his meal when a certain voice caught his attention.


"Yes Remus?"

"Is that who I think it is?"

"I wondered if you would make the connection at some point and Yes, Yes it is."

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Remus' eyes wondered to the young girl who carefully analysed every piece of her meal before putting it into her mouth, before slightly smiling to himself, and although Albus had left him with many questions,

he was just happy to know his daughter was alive and healthy, in her own weird way.

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A/N- Another Chapter!!! Let me know how you're enjoying this story so far, im hoping this story is detailed enough, I imagine it will have many chapters, And dont fret! It's still a love story with George Weasley, but i will have other plots to co-inside with one another, I hope thats okay :)

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