*Chapter One*

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"George Weasley"

Ellie spoke, in her usual, confusing yet whimsical voice, as she stood in the door of his train compartment, the two had previously met when George and his twin brother Fred attempted to prank her. The trio would often have the odd conversation, although Ellie did this with most people, and would rarely speak to the individuals again. It was quite usual for Ellie to speak to whomever, but not for her to pursue those conversations and form friendships, everyone felt somewhat comfortable around Ellie, as she tended to have that affect amongst people, however she could come across quite stand-offish if she were not the one initiating conversation.

George raised his head to connect his eyes with Ellie's before forming his signature smirk and elbowing Fred to gain his attention.

"Ahhh Fred, if it isn't"

"Our favourite Ravenclaw"

"EllieMae Lincoln-"

"Stacey Jefferson"

Spoke the boys, alternating the phrases between the two of them, whilst their good friend Lee, sat in the corner with his book close to his face - expecting for this encounter to end on bad terms.

"Must you both constantly speak together? It's most annoying you know." Ellie asked whilst staring straight ahead as if she were not paying full attention to the pair.

"Yes." The boys purposely spoke in unison, making Lee snicker to himself.

This caused Ellie to cock her head to the side, stealing a glance at Lee, then returning her gaze back to George, pretending Fred wasn't present as she continued her conversation.

"Felicity Baxter proposed that you "hand over" her seventeen sickles that you apparently owe her, before she "chops of your fingers one by one." Now if you ask me, that sounds most unfortunate, so i suggest you follow her orders. It doesn't take a genius to be aware of the fact that Felicity can be... Vicious, especially when angered... I would know." Ellie chuckled to herself before continuing. "I also came to let you know that your brother Ronald Weasley, has lost his "Ghastly, stupid rat." Which seems rather rude, as it's only a small animal, but none the less, I have yet to have met this rat so i shan't judge his opinion. I also took it upon myself to bring this to your attention as i would hate Ronald to be upset, so look out of it, if your attention span lets you..."

George went to open his mouth to respond to Ellie, which she completely ignored and continued her lecture.

"Also, Tymothie seemed to be in distress when we encountered one another, he likes you both very much as he finds you "funny", so I propose that if possible, you seek to cheer him up somewhat, I don't know what's bothering him, but I figured you two would be able to cheer him up, as even I can't deny you have your moments when your both, somewhat amusing..."

Ellie was so lost in her speech, that she was unaware that Celine was stood behind her, listening in, Celine was very understanding when it came to Ellie, and how she couldn't help rambling on, in-fact Celine loved this about her, but was well aware that others may not appreciate it as much, which often led her being responsible of dragging Ellie away from most of her conversations.

"...Els, you're rambling a tad, why don't we go see Felicity, she's with Neville and Tym, I'm sure they wouldn't mind having a chat with you." Celine interrupted kindly, whilst giving a sympathetic look to the boys and Lee, Celine completely understood that Ellie was often too much for most people, and she was always very subtle and kind when it came to handling Ellie in order to spare the girls feelings.

Ellie turned and smiled warmly to Celine, they needed no greeting to one another because they had spent their holiday together, as Ellie lived with Celine in the holidays and had done since she began Hogwarts. The pair seemed to know what each other were thinking, and often didn't need to talk to communicate, but merely look at one another with a certain expression

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