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He looked down at the old man, waiting for him as he was about to take his first time to find out what had happened to her mother. After he was taken by her aunt at the Hospital.

It nodded and quickly pushed, but before that, he called Eric first for a moment. To overtake the money for his expense. By the time he needed it.

When a brother suddenly came to see what they did not expect. As Eric kissed the old man on a cheek to thank him for doing.

"Wow!"...she's doing the things you do! "Monica says.

"Will you have a sweetheart?!" said David.

"I do not know Daddy that you're giving up ?!" David's father was more upright.

Sr. Palone he shacked to his head.

"Go ahead son and don't forget the money to help your mother if she wants to spend for the bells!"

"Yes, sir!"

David quickly stopped Eric.

"You've got a lot of money to my daddy. Are you sugar of my Daddy?"

"What's wrong with you, you're mistaken for your Daddy behavior!" says Eric.

"What I have seen, that you kissed my Daddy, remember you only house keeper here at home not a family member?!" said David.

"You have too much to interpret your father's actions!" Eric said.

"Do not say you're a family member here and we do not know ?!" Monica.


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