'I was astonished, she suddenly hit her head on the wall of our house. And she has a name shouting. That she loved dearly. And she did not say anything wrong about it. That's what it says again. '
Aunt Loretta, do you know the past of my mother?!' Eric said. '
Why do you ask me that?!' Loretta said.
'My Dad is Carlo?!' Eric asked his aunt
'Why do you ask that?!'
'Since then I do not think I'm going to daddy Carlo!' Said Eric.
Loretta was shocked by his nephew Eric.
Loretta wanted to hide her mother's past. But in the first case she just heard that his nephew asked him he did not expect.
'I do not know that I'm suspicious, Carlo is not your father. I'm all in the mouth of your grandfather. Dad did not accept your daddy Carlo for your mother. Because Carlo just caught Josie from the fact that it's so sweet that I do not know who was your mother's first boyfriend!
'Carlo is not my real father?!' Eric said.
'I'm not sure of my suspicion because I want to ask your grandfather for a moment but your grandfather is suddenly stuck in his heart and he died. I do not know anything about that. How I feel so much!'
Eric was crying when he heard his aunt Loretta.
'What I just heard from your grandfather did not want to accept anything he would give to your mother after she lost her. Even if it's money!'...because you did not mean to be Carlo's father.'Who is my real father ?!'
SpiritualThe length of time. I cannot think how alone. But not stop a moment to find your father. the amount lost. But you need that you do not sensitize he was looking for and love