Chapter 7: Albino Rogue

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Sting's POV:

It's been a few days since Natsu left. Rogue's woken up, but he won't talk. He's been in a trance of some sort. I'm hoping he's okay, but I'm worried. His wounds are healing quickly. Almost all the way healed, actually. I sighed. It's been too long. Natsu should be back by now. I walked over to Rogue who was still tranced.

"Rogue!" I shouted. "Get up! I'm tired of you sulking around!"

"Luke." I flinched. Rogue actually spoke! Oh my gosh! What sorcery is this???!!! Wait, why'd he say Luke?

"Who the hell is Luke?" I asked. Suddenly, Rogue's eyes widened.

"Luke!" he shouted.

"Who, Rogue?" I asked again.

"Thunder!" he shouted. Suddenly, I noticed something. Rogue's hair was turning white! I thought it was a legend, but it's said that if a dragon-slayer was extremely terrified, then they would become albino! After at least one week, the albino would die! I thought it was a legend, but now, I think it might be real. I panicked! I picked Rogue up and threw him over my shoulder. He didn't even fight back. I had to find way to save him! Suddenly, I remembered Fairy Tail's healer in the GMG. Maybe she would know! I had to hurry. I hoped the Fairy Tail mages were okay, but Rogue needed help.

I rushed back to Luna Town. I hated to do this, but I needed to ride a train. A train! I gulped as I boarded. I can't even describe the horrible feeling I felt on that vehicle from hell. For some reason, Rogue seemed unaffected when he was in his little trance.

When I got to Magnolia, I rushed to the forest in search of the woman. I couldn't find anything. Suddenly, I heard a voice as I ran through the forest, with Rogue muttering words. I jerked to a stop. I turned around, and saw a woman. It must be her!

"Are you the Fairy Tail healer from the Grand Magic Games?" I asked. The woman slowly nodded.

"I hate humans. Go away!" she shouted. I flinched. She turned to leave.

"Wait! My friend in trouble! I have to go back, but I was hoping if you could help Rogue!" The woman paused when I said Rogue. She turned around to face me.

"Rogue as in Sabertooth's Rogue?" she asked. I nodded. She muttered something and then gestured for me to follow. I did. We arrived at a sort of treehouse. I hesitated going inside, but I went in hoping Rogue could be saved from certain death. She ordered me to place Rogue on a bed. I did as she said. Rogue continued to mutter things about this Luke guy, and put himself into a position where he was hugging his knees, biting his nails, and staring intently at whatever object in front of him, threatening to burn through it with his eyes.

Fairy Tail's medical advisor looked at Rogue and then at me.

"Rogue has some "issues" I see," she said.

"Yea...We were on a mixed mission with Natsu and his group. Natsu and I scouted the area. When we left, the camp was attacked. Everyone was gone except Rogue, but he was in a trance as you can see. Natsu went to pursue the thieves, but I brought Rogue here to see if you could cure him. I'm begging you! Please heal him, old lady!" I said. The lady suddenly took out a broom from who knows where!

"WHO YOU CALLING OLD LADY, OLD MAN???" she shouted. I flinched.

"I'm not an old man!" I objected. "But, I don't know your name either..." She cautiously put her broom down.

She sighed and said, "Porlyusica is my name and any male master of a guild is considered an old man in my book."

"But, I'm only 19!"

"Doesn't matter, old man."


"Leave! If you want your friend to get better, then leave! I hate humans!" she suddenly shouted. She grabbed her broom and swatted it at me. I let out a "Kya!" and bolted for the door.

"Hai, Porlyusica-sama! Arigato!" I shouted as I ran off. Porlyusica closed the door. I sighed. Was this woman crazy? How does Fairy Tail survive? Oh well... I dashed off for the Magnolia Train Station. I got a ticket for Luna Town, but the station dude said the next trip there wasn't until 1:30 PM tomorrow. I mentally facepalmed myself. I grunted and left the train station quickly. I ain't hell as walking. I'd most likely get lost.

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