letter to emory

22 6 14

Larkin's trying to decide if the smell in her apartment is more cigarette smoke or freshly brewed coffee.

From her room, even with her door shut, she can hear her two roommates parting with ten, maybe twelve other college students.

The music she can hear isn't helping her motivation. Staring at her unfinished paper, she's not sure she'll ever finish the essay.

She turns over the page of the notebook to a page without writing. She starts her response to the girl back in Florida.

 She starts her response to the girl back in Florida

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I'm sorry about your failed letter. Mail is irritating, sure.

New people? Now, you couldn't forget me, could you?

Straight back to the noise. Which is ironic, because my roommates are throwing a party right outside my door and I have never wanted to snap a neck more. 

That was really harsh, wow.

Well, new people. Special people? Roomates? Levi and Alex. Most annoying guys on the planet. I'm kidding, though. I met them in high school and though you are frustrated with me and that tempts me to say that they are much better than they are, I miss you.

Your friend,



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